It's every bit as fun and whimsical as the class was, but it is by no means any sort of satire or spoof - this book is very deep, and covers a vast array of problems and methodologies.I'm still working my way through this book -- it's supposed to be a precursor to the Art of Computer Programming, to give you the math foundation you need. 【思维方法】平面上已经有n-1条直线,最多把平面分成L(n-1)个区域,如果这n-1条直线互相都不平行,且没有三条直线共点;则第n条直线最多可以和前面的n-1条直线每条都相交(同样没有三条直线共点),可以增加n-1个交点,每增加一个交点就会增加一个区域,但第一个交点会增加2个区域,所以,L(n)=L(n-1)+n.
把上...1.1 The Tower of Hanoi 不知道汉诺塔的人是有罪的,愿大梵天宽恕你们。 汉诺塔问题的解答,关系宇宙的生灭,不可不谨慎啊:) 所以,《Concrete Mathematics》开宗明义,第一节就讲汉诺塔问题,是非常正确的。另外,九连环是中国的汉诺塔,同样是一种递归玩具,其实并没用什么训练智力的作用,熟悉之后就是机械的重复。 【思维方法】Smart mathematicians are not ashamed to think small, because general patterns are easie...So we think the book has turned out to be a tale of mathematical beauty and surprise, and we hope that our readers will share at least ε of the pleasure we had while writing it.1.2 Lines in the Plane 我们小时候几乎都遇到过这样的问题:一个西瓜切3刀,最多能切成几块?书里用的例子是Pizza. 我一直认为,评价一本专业书籍,不仅要知道它讲了什么,也要清楚它没讲什么。有了这样的信息,人们才会知道这本书是不是他要的;而且除了这本书他还需要什么。这比仅仅把它作为“经典”而向人推荐,更有帮助。 一本好的专业书不但要清晰的呈现美丽的结果,也要为人们指出通向... 【思维方法】平面上已经有n-1条直线,最多把平面分成L(n-1)个区域,如果这n-1条直线互相都不平行,且没有三条直线共点;则第n条直线最多可以和前面的n-1条直线每条都相交(同样没有三条直线共点),可以增加n-1个交点,每增加一个交点就会增加一个区域,但第一个交点会增加2个区域,所以,L(n)=L(n-1)+n. 这一节同时复习了数学归纳法。 Concrete Mathematics, sous-titré A Foundation for Computer Science (Mathématiques concrètes : Fondations pour l'informatique) est un manuel de cours écrit par Ronald Graham, Donald Knuth et Oren Patashnik, fréquemment utilisé dans l'enseignement de l'informatique.. Historique et contenu. It simply teaches you how to think in a simple way without complex unproven theorems. by Addison-Wesley Professional 我们小时候几乎都遇到过这样的问题:一个西瓜切3刀,最多能切成几块?书里用的例子是Pizza. (摘自本人博客: 或: 人民邮电出版社出版的《具体数学——计算机科学基础》译自经典名著 《Concrete Mathematics: A Foundation for Computer Science》。 简单地... 把上面L(n)展开(注意,和第一节用到的方法不同),最后得到L(0)+S(n),L(0)当然等于1,S(n)就是高斯同学的等差数列求和。 2 That being said, being a mere mortal, it took me a lot of work to verify some of the skipped details in the proofs. 这本书在讲什么? 2.

不知道汉诺塔的人是有罪的,愿大梵天宽恕你们。 言下之意,人应该比电脑要聪明,算法是人发明的,不是计算机。

2 在后面的章节,还会遇到这种new operations.说穿了,就是没法用我们已知的closed forms来表达,但又很重要,我们就假定他们也是closed forms,例如第二章马上会遇到的Hn(调和级数)。 20 years later it is still current. Don’t you just hate that feeling of falling head over heels for a new series...and then having to wait anxiously (sometimes for years!)

La préface précise que les sujets abordés « combinent des mathématiques CONtinues et disCRÈTES. I mean, Donald Knuth is by far the most amazing computer scientist in my mind so considering I am such a huge fanboi of his work, I HAD to read this to refresh my math. 在后面的章节,还会遇到这种new operations.说穿了,就是没法用我们已知的closed forms来表达,但又很重要,我们就假定他们也是closed forms,例如第二章马上会遇到的Hn(调和级数)。 Des milliers de livres avec la livraison chez vous en 1 jour ou en magasin avec -5% de réduction . Concrete Mathematics is a blending of CONtinuous and disCRETE mathematics.

12 The subject matter is primarily an expansion of the Mathematical Preliminaries section in Knuth's classic Art of Computer Programming, but the style of presentation is more leisurely, and individual topics are covered more deeply. "More concretely," the authors explain, "it is the controlled manipulation of mathematical formulas, using a collection of techniques for solving problems.

最后,幽默了一下:Even a computer could discover this. © 2005-2020, all rights reserved 北京豆网科技有限公司 Still, it is amazing what the authors manage to convey in such a leisurely way. Incredibly well written, utterly idiosyncratic, and remarkably useless. Like with all the books by Knuth, if the reader is able to find an error which is "technically, historically, typographically, or politically incorrect", he/she will be rewarded with 2.56 US dollars, which acA wonderful, wonderful exploration of a mathematical system that according to its authors is a blend of "continuous and discreet mathematics".

在后面的章节,还会遇到这种new operations.说穿了,就是没法用我们已知的closed forms来表达,但又很重要,我们就假定他们也是closed forms,例如第二章马上会遇到的Hn(调和级数)。 cara penyampaiannya seperti ngobrol santai tapi sambil mengajarkan pola pikir kreatif ttg problem solving dengan matematika. February 28th 1994 60 2

In response to the widespread use of the first edition as a reference book, the bibliography and index have also been expanded, and additional nontrivial improvements can be found on almost every page. 课后习题有很多变形的汉诺塔问题,非常有趣,到时候再讲。  (

Some of it I already knew, so I felt confident that I could skim it, but most of all, a lot of the content was out of my reach without putting a lot of time into it.
I haven't read the whole thing, but have read a number of the sections that were of particular interest to me (especially the chapter on generating functions).  (

本书购于本科大四寒假前夕,研究生期间被带到北京,放在实验室的桌上三年未曾翻过。工作之后下决心把它看完,从11年春天到12年春天,除去期间两三个月玩三国志的时间,耗时约一年 认真思考过书中每一道习题,半数以上的题目即使看了答案也不会做。读完最大的收获是自己清醒地... 最后讨论了用zig转角来切平面,当然,习题中还有用zig-zag来切平面的问题。标题中的lines并不一定是直线,也可能是曲线,不过,讨论的都是“凸”集的问题。1.1 The Tower of Hanoi 【思维方法】Smart mathematicians are not ashamed to think small, because general patterns are easier to perceive when the extreme cases are well understood (even when they are trivial).

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