This book gives a lot of information while giving very little, which is perfect when trying to describe the art of Zen, for Zen is life, and so it can never be truly described or contained, even on paper. I'd previously read Alan Watts is always a joy to read. This volume still stands as one of the most lucid and concise explanations of the origins and defining principles of Zen, from its beginnings in ancient India and its later transmission to China and Japan, to Watts’s revealing portrait Alan Watts’s The Spirit of Zen was one of the first books to introduce the basic foundation of Zen Buddhism to English-speaking audiences. The Spirit of Zen, written in the early thirties by Watts when he was still a teenager, is not to be mistaken for his strikingly accomplished The Way of Zen, written some years later. Published I really enjoyed Sam Van Schaik's Spirit of Zen. Zen is probably the most well known yet misunderstood version of Buddhism in the West. Alan Watts s The Spirit of Zen was one of the first books to introduce the basic foundation of Zen Buddhism to English-speaking audiences. He believes that this fortified and isolated position is the best means of obtaining happiness; it enables him to fight against change, to strive to keep pleasing things for himself, to shut out suffering and to shape circumstances as he wills. Overall, I enjoyed The Spirit of Zen tremendously, and I hope you do as well.Segundo livro do Watts, leitura concisa e prazerosa. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of Here, he captures the elusive spirit of Zen.AMAZING. Still, I got a ton out of this book and an really glad I bought an old used copy on a whim.More like 3.5. The spirit was to be brutally honest. He explains the sacrifices and surrenders, the requisite self-control; the baffling set of spiritual exercises known as Koan, which take the form of verbal jigsaw puzzles; the importance of mental discipline; and the need to recognize the futility of mere intellectual haggling — all necessary steps along the road to Zen. It's a BIBLE. Please use another browser before attempting to purchase.“This book is indispensable for those interested in the history or current practice of Zen.
Since somebody left it there to be picked up and i love it when books find their own miraculous way into my lap, now it seems has come the time for learning about Zen.I read this book back in the mid-1970's when I was exploring Zen & eastern religions generally. Abordagem intuitava de conceitos como Koan, Satori, Wu-wei(taoismo), Tao, Dharma, Karma, Samsarra, Nirvana, Budismo Mahaiama. It's detailed but not too much. Alan Watts’s The Spirit of Zen was one of the first books to introduce the basic foundation of Zen Buddhism to English-speaking audiences. In short, it is his means of resisting life. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. The”“Zen does not attempt to be intelligible – that is, capable of being understood by the intellect. These teachings, titled The Masters and Students of the Lanka, were discovered in a sealed cave on Later the cave was most likely forgotten, and then accidently discovered by a Taoist monk who sold some of the scriptures to Western researchers. It's a book about scriptures found in a Dunhuang cave in China sometime in the 19th century. Be the first to ask a question about The Spirit of Zen He wrote over 25 books and numerous articles on subjects such as personal identity, the true nature of reality, higher consciousness, the meaning of life, concepts and images of God and the non-material pursuit of happiness. Reading about the history of Zen dispelled a lot of misconceptions. In The Spirit of Zen, Watts describes, in plain language but without robbing the subject of its provocative subtlety, how one can prepare for a life of Zen. Watts' treatise of Zen is a wonderful place to start for the westerner just beginning to expand his or her pallet to the wisdom of the East. [Sam Van Schaik; International Sacred Literature Trust.] I'd previously read anyone who has interest and little information in buddhism and zenA very basic (and yet worthwhile and informative) introduction to Zen and Buddhism, recommended for those with some curiosity and little knowledge on the subject.This introduction to Zen Buddhism is Alan Watts' first of many books on Eastern religion. The method of Zen is to baffle, excite, puzzle and exhaust the intellect until it is realized that intellection is only thinking about; it will provoke, irritate and again exhaust the emotions until it is realised that emotion is only feeling about, and then it contrives, when the disciple has been brought to an intellectual and emotional impasse, to bridge the gap between second-hand conceptual contact with reality, and first-hand experience. During this outage, please use one of our retail partner links available on each book title page OR place your order directly from our fulfillment warehouse, Triliteral, by calling A Complete Translation of a Classic Introduction to Tibetan BuddhismPatrul Rinpoche; Foreword by His Holiness the Dalai LamaIn-depth conversations with experts on topics that matter.Our shopping cart does not support Safari. He wrote over 25 books and numerous articles on subjects such as personal identity, the true nature of reality, higher conAlan Wilson Watts was a British philosopher, writer and speaker, who held both a Master's in Theology and a Doctorate of Divinity. To effect this it calls into play a higher faculty of the mind, known as intuition or Buddhi, which is sometimes called the ‘Eye of the Spirit’.