The worry about going gray now has a concrete number to obsess over—and it varies depending on your natural hair color. However, the average age that people turn grey is around when they’re 30 or 35 years old. Experts explain why some of us are destined to sport the 'distinguished' look at an early age.Salt and pepper, silver, pewter, charcoal. Hair becoming gray is a natural response to becoming older and usually affects people in their 30s onwards. If one of your (grand)parents started getting grey hair at an early age, there is a larger chance the same will happen to you. Men start getting grey hairs around their thirties, whereas women start around their thirty-fifths.It can take a long time between getting the first grey hairs, and a full head of grey hairs. Scientists don’t know exactly why some people go gray early, but genes play a large role.Also, a vitamin B-12 deficiency or problems with your pituitary or Some research has suggested a connection between premature graying and lower bone density later in life. Whatever you call it, gray Typically, white people start going gray in their mid-30s, Asians in their late 30s, and African-Americans in their mid-40s. It's all in the attitude you bring to it," Jewell says. In other … "If you think of it as merely another color choice, you won't be afraid of gray. If you were young, vibrant, active, healthy pre-gray, you're still going to be that way. However, the average age that people turn grey is around when they’re 30 or 35 years old.Men tend to get grey hairs before women. Google might give you an “average”, but remember that averages lump together upper and lower ends, as well as everything in the middle. Gray hair occurs when the hair … By Cindy Joseph. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. "Journalist Anne Kreamer went gray at 25 and spent an estimated $65,000 on salon color treatments over the next 20 years. Research has shown that smoking is an important cause of going grey at a younger age.The process of getting grey hairs is irreversible. The average man starts to become gray at the age of 30, whilst in women it is slightly later at the age of 35. There are medicines on the market that claim to stop the greying process, however they are not yet scientifically proven. There are people who get their first grey hairs in their twenties, and others that only start greying in their fifties.

"Your level of bone density is related to activity level, your There are lots of choices for concealing gray, says Ron King, owner of Ron King Salon and bô Salon in Austin, Texas, and a national spokesman for L'Oréal Professionnel. Besides dyeing your hair, there isn’t really anything you can do to stop it. "I think they look terrific and it becomes almost an iconic differentiation for them". They include:More young mothers, professionals, and even runway models are opting to "go gray," says Diana Jewell, author of "The myth that gray hair makes you old is just that -- a myth. Most people hate the thought of their hair turning grey, but sooner or later it’ll happen anyway. But in 2007, a study of about 1,200 California men and women showed no such link. She chronicled her journey back to gray at age 49 in the book "Look at an Anderson Cooper or a Steve Martin or men who have historically gone gray early," Kreamer says. That said, getting gray hair doesn't necessarily mean that you're closer to the end of your life span than anyone else your age. Half of all people have a significant amount of gray hair by the time they turn 50.A white person is considered to be prematurely gray if his or her hair turns gray by age 20; gray before 30 is early for African-Americans.Going gray, by itself, does not mean you have a medical problem, except in rare cases.Contrary to popular belief, stress has not been shown to cause gray hair. On average it takes about 10 years before you’re completely grey.The main contributor of greying hair is genes. Medical Problem? Premature graying is largely linked to genetics. There are people who get their first grey hairs in their twenties, and others that only start greying in their fifties. Research has revealed that gender can also affect the age we are likely to first notice gray hairs appearing. Ethnicity plays a factor, as well as family genetics, but even that’s variable.

"Grey hair is an inherited trait - if your parents …

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