Whether the sharp-toothed furry critter who rustles around outside your garbage cans at night is a possum or an opossum may simply come down to where you are in the world. Urban Dictionary and our advertising partners set cookies on your computer to improve our site and the advertisements you see. I remember the first time I saw a possum, I remember running inside the house telling my mom that a HUGE RAT was on the fence, I mean I was thinking fire swamp R.O.U.S. A word which means the same as ‘awesome’, except that by adding ‘possum’ at the end it sounds waaaay more awesome. Means that something is ultra awesome and amazing! Another word for Opposite of Meaning of Rhymes with Sentences with Find word forms Translate from English Translate to English Words With Friends Scrabble Crossword / Codeword Words starting with Words ending with Words containing exactly Words containing letters Pronounce Find conjugations Find names I was sure that I saw a giant rodent on the fence. oorangutang poontang. Definitions include: very solid, i.e. August 17. It was one of the first games to feature "vocal talent," which equals a squeaky digitized voice informing us repeatedly that the hero is, in fact, awesome. … My husband uses a lot of goofy sayings, one that he likes best is “Awesome Possum!”. Please, email us to describe your idea. In future installments, we’ll get into the opossum as it appears in myths and stories, as well as songs, dances, and tunes. Like Hipsters, Awesome Possums embrace "non-mainstream" Culture and trends but unlike them, they also embrace mainstream culture and trends partially due to the fact that most Awesome Possums make trends popular. Awesome possum synonyms and Awesome possum antonyms. But this term is extremely misleading. My sisters and I watched the Princess Bride a lot and I was pretty young, so this seemed like the only explanation. The Awesome Possum is on Saturday December 7, 2019. Specifically, “awesome possum” is a phrase in which an existing word is reduplicated with a rhyming echo-word which serves to intensify the meaning of the first word, which is something we also observe in such phrases as “super duper,” “teenie weenie,” and “neato burrito.” Flag. It was probably not until well after this phrase had been uttered that someone stopped to think about the possum and how it is a pretty awesome critter. This is the first of a series of blog posts celebrating Whether you think the possum is cute or creepy (and there are lots of people on both sides of that issue), there’s no question that the critter features in a significant body of folklore, which I’ll be exploring in this series. In this first post I’ll focus on the expression “awesome possum,” an item of folk speech with a fairly long history and a wide currency in American life. Here also can be heard the horrible shrieks of the muskrat, as it dives into the inky waters of the black pools. Is it awesome awe-possum like the latin leading o in opposum ?This blog does not represent official Library of Congress communications.Links to external Internet sites on Library of Congress Web pages do not constitute the Library's endorsement of the content of their Web sites or of their policies or products.
And, sadly for some of you perhaps, we’ll talk about the opossum and American foodways—turns out possum is a delicacy in some circles!Possums are also immune to most venoms, which is why they eat venomous snakes for breakfast! A common misspelling but the proper pronunciation of the more superfluous awesome. awesome sauce; Definitions include: something very awesome. Awesome Possum is really just a convenient string of rhyming words, in all honestly I don’t think that when the first person exclaimed ” AWESOME POSSUM” it was because of the actual animal. That is some fine and cagey knitting!Excellent post, can’t wait to read the next installment.Can you clarify how this is pronounced?