Disquisitiones Arithmeticae (tiếng Việt: Những nghiên cứu số học) là một tác phẩm về lý thuyết số bằng tiếng Latinh của nhà toán học người Đức Carl Friedrich Gauss được viết vào năm 1798 và được xuất bản vào năm 1801.Nó đáng chú ý vì có một điểm mang tính chất cách mạng về lĩnh vực lý thuyết số.
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It is notable for having had a revolutionary impact on the field of number theory as i Hinubad ha Inaleman ni H. Maser "Untersuchungen über höhere Arithmetik (Disquisitiones Arithmeticae & other papers on number theory) (Ikaduha nga edisyon)".
The inquiries which this volume will investigate pertain to that part of Mathematics which concerns itself with integers.Gauss also states, "When confronting many difficult problems, derivations have been suppressed for the sake of brevity when readers refer to this work."
Section IV itself develops a proof of Gauss started to write an eighth section on higher-order congruences, but he did not complete this, and it was published separately after his death. De Disquisitiones Arithmeticae is een leerboek over de getaltheorie.Het werk werd in 1798 door de Duitse wiskundige Carl Friedrich Gauss geschreven.
The eighth section was finally published as a treatise entitled "general investigations on congruences", and in it Gauss discussed congruences of arbitrary degree. 1965.
Die Disquisitiones Arithmeticae (lateinisch für Zahlentheoretische Untersuchungen) sind ein Lehrbuch der Zahlentheorie („Höhere Arithmetik“ in Gauß’ Worten), das der deutsche Mathematiker Carl Friedrich Gauß 1798 mit nur 21 Jahren schrieb und das am 29. It states that every composite number can be expressed as a product of prime numbers and that, save for the order in which the factors are written, this representation is unique. Gauss was 21 toen hij zijn boek schreef en 24, toen het boek in 1801 werd gepubliceerd. 1801: Disquisitiones Arithmeticae. En aquest llibre Gauss reuneix els resultats de la seva teoria de nombres seguint l'evolució d'altres matemàtics com Fermat, Euler, Lagrange i Legendre, als que afegeix teories pròpies. Disquisitiones arithmeticae est un livre de théorie des nombres écrit par le mathématicien allemand Carl Friedrich Gauss.Sa première publication date de 1801.
Disquisitiones Arithmeticae é um livro-texto sobre teoria dos números escrito em latim [1] por Carl Friedrich Gauss em 1798, quando Gauss tinha 21 anos de idade, e publicado a primeira vez em 1801.
("Quod, in pluribus quaestionibus difficilibus, demonstrationibus syntheticis usus sum, analysinque per quam erutae sunt suppressi, imprimis brevitatis studio tribuendum est, cui quantum fieri poterat consulere oportebat")The book is divided into seven sections, which are:These sections are subdivided into 366 numbered items, which sometimes state a theorem with proof, or otherwise develop a remark or thought.Sections I to III are essentially a review of previous results, including From Section IV onwards, much of the work is original.
Disquisitiones arithmeticae est opus mathematicae a Carolo Friderico Gauss publicata anno 1801.Hic liber de congruentiis, de residuis quadraticis, et de formis quadraticis tractat.Hi sunt partes libri: De numerorum congruentia in genere; De congruentiis primi gradus; De … A Disquisitiones Arithmeticae (Számelméleti vizsgálódások) Carl Friedrich Gauss 1801-ben megjelent főműve.