Employment / About Employment - Blue Valley Schools. About Grain Valley Schools.
The City of Grain Valley is an equal opportunity employer.
District; North Middle School; South Middle School; Matthews Elementary; Prairie Branch Elementary; Sni-A-Bar Elementary; Stony Point Elementary; Early Childhood Center; Activities. Our organization strives to create a discrimination-free and equally fair selection process for each position available to qualified applicants.
Posted: (2 days ago) The Blue Valley School District conducts employment background investigations as part of the process of considering candidacy for employment.
The recruitment process for Lee’s Summit Schools is year round, but specific staffing needs may not be determined until late spring.
Source: Local Education Agency (School District) Finance Survey (F-33) Data (2012) Grain Valley R-V School District Jobs and Careers.
It's quick, easy and secure.
The City of Grain Valley is an equal opportunity employer.
515 School District jobs available in Grain Valley, MO on Indeed.com. Recruitment practices reach inside and outside the organization to find the best qualified applicant for each position. We're here to help!
For technical questions regarding the Applicant Tracking system, please contact the Applicant Tracking help desk using the Request Technical Help link below. Public Works is READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL!
Application Process for Support Staff Candidates In addition to submitting the application, any additional information required for the position (i.e.
Internal applicants only.
Frontline Education is closely monitoring the spread and impact of COVID-19.
Our district covers forty square miles that includes all of the city of Grain Valley, plus parts of eastern Blue Springs, western Oak Grove, and some areas of unincorporated Jackson County. REMINDER: IF Grain Valley School District is not in session for any reason on Wednesday, February 5th, the Senior L… Receive community information instantly!
Powered by Frontline Technologies - AppliTrack, Applicant Tracking for Educators. For questions regarding position qualifications or application procedures, please contact Grain Valley R5 School District directly.
The following tables outlines the number of teachers, administrators, and support staff that are employed by Grain Valley R-V School District.