Most of them have spent the majority of their lives resenting this part of themselves.They don’t realize how much strength they already have…Being sensitive is full of strengths. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats. Here are 5 signs that you are a highly sensitive soul-1.) The Moon represents emotions, so highly sensitive souls are often very in sync with the Around the New Moon they may feel a calling to retreat or go within and around the Full Moon they may feel a heightening of energy and a calling to release or put an end to things.Highly sensitive souls may not understand their connection to the Moon and sometimes this can cause them to feel anxious or uncomfortable at certain points in the month.Being able to pick up on other people’s emotions is commonly referred to as being Sensitive soul’s may also be able to tell how another person is feeling even when the other person is not around.This can be very heavy to deal with at times, which is why it is important for sensitive soul’s to protect their energy and stay aware when they are taking on someone else’s energy as their own.Being in crowded room or even certain public places like malls, can make sensitive soul’s feel overwhelmed and uncomfortable. Reading a good quote never fails to brighten my mood. Do this by affirming yourself and realizing that this is how you were made. This documentary provides the science and advice woven into the film Sensitive and in Love. The Kleuh was the perfect solution for my small business. The unfairness of the world. ☠️This gripping tale by prolific horror novelist, Holly Riordan, will keep you on the edge of your seat!I’m the sensitive soul type for sure. August 18, 2020. You’re acutely alert cells are deeply in tune with the world around you.You notice everything. I went through dozens of other ideas before landing on this one. opy-pasted links to website articles, quotes from those articles and my own ramblings. That’s because highly sensitive people are very aware of subtleties — including facial expressions, body language, and tone of voice — … It makes you fully alive.Just because you experience feelings more intensely than others does not mean you’re broken. Highly Sensitive People; Empaths; Grow; Contact; Highly Sensitive Alchemy. And when a complete stranger is able to make you feel seen and heard… yeah, that’s some pretty powerful stuff right there.This is especially important when it comes to something as widely misunderstood as high sensitivity.

If you're looking for a great template look no further because The Kleuh has your covered.© Copyright 2019  - All Rights Reserved, Katherine Mackenzie-Smith | Sensitive U Let it guide every step of your life.Don’t allow fears or insecurities to block its wisdom.Honor it.

Respect your time and all that it’s worth.You’re kind.

Named by Elle Magazine as a 'self help guru' by Elle Magazine, Katherine is on a mission to make sure introverts, empaths and highly sensitive never feel that who they are isn't good enough.After almost 10 years working in the noisy television industry, feeling since she was a kid that she was too quiet and too sensitive, Katherine trained to become an internationally certified coach and started her own business, working with introverts and HSPs to create businesses they loved before training to become an Energy and Soul Medicine practitioner and support her clients with their energy and the foundations of their lives and businesses.There's so much important information we all need to know about ourselves so we can have better relationships, more energy and alignment, feel better, and show up in the world as thriving, sensitive leaders.To me, Katherine represents everything I wish I had been told growing up as an introverted and highly sensitive person. Plus there are electives to suit where you're at right now and what you really need as a sensitive soul.Want to get a little taste of what to expect from Sensitive University? You don’t belittle.You give people the respect they need to be themselves. Honor your sensitive nature. 2.
I feel like I have been going in circles for weeks and now I’m just typing away on my laptop. You hate to … Highly sensitive people are more aware of subtleties and details that could make decisions harder to make, Aron says. It enters and flows through you.You don’t need to experience it directly, you just need to witness it to make it yours.You’ll walk through fire to protect those who need it, because you know just how real their pain is.You’ll fight for what’s right, because living with what’s wrong hurts your soul.You’ll protect and defend with surprising fearlessness, when others who seemed so strong cower away.And you have an understanding of fairness that most seem blind to.Without your empathic soul, the world would suffer.You treat others as you would like to be treated, because you know so well how it feels to experience the opposite.You protect those who are weaker than you, because your sense of justice overrides any insecurities you may have.Animals flock to you, because their wise sixth sense knows they can trust you.You honor nature, because you know its healing powers.It is compassion that changes the world. I’m excited to dive into this inner work further with her resources (just the You Tube channel already has me hooked!)

Music speaks to my sensitive soul, mirroring my emotions or acting as a soothing balm. Those who can stand the test of time.You stand by them, you honor them, you’re there for them when they need you.You see the sacred union in your relationships, and so you may have fewer of them, but they run deeper than most.Your body feels everything. 10. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. Announcing the release of our documentary Sensitive Lovers: A Deeper Look into their Relationships. Here’s How It Affects Highly Sensitive People.” Do you think you are Highly Sensitive?
You’re an asset in any task, because you do whatever it takes to hold up your end of the bargain. Listen to your body, honor its sensitive wisdom, and you will thrive.

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