Still was not satisfied and would not want to jinx it. If the trick was flipping a coin and Heads means you passed, you flipped the coin and landed on Heads, and you actually passed, does that mean that flipping a coin is 100% accurate to determine if you passed? The way I have understood, if you get the "good" pop up, it is accurate. I still have a bad feeling about the test and I’m finding it hard to believe I passed.
But here I am sitting in RN orientation today. I got the good pop up two hours after finishing my exam today. I took the NCLEX yesterday and finished in 75 questions, but I felt bad about it because I didn’t know a LOT of the questions. Thank you for responding to my concerns. Then I saw a post about going to the board website and checking it there instead of waiting of the quick result to be available, wouldn't you know it, the board's website has it on there that I passed.
I am getting drunk tonight y'all !! it's very nerve wrecking to wait:) but crossing fingers and praying hard! I felt like I didn't know the content for many of the questions and was shocked when it shut off at 75 questions. Someone in my class did the Pearson Vue trick and received the 'bad' popup only to find out that she passed.
There was no way I passed. I think I've only heard of one case where it wasn't.
I took the NCLEX yesterday and finished in 75 questions, but I felt bad about it because I didn’t know a LOT of the questions. It is 100% accurate".
It gave me the good popup and I found I passed today, 8-18-18.
This is totally ancedotale though. The Pearson Vue Trick enables NCLEX test takers to try to see if they passed before getting official results. :) Our members represent more than 60 professional nursing specialties. allnurses is a Nursing Career Support and News Site. Afterwards, I did the PVT and got the good pop up. If you can register again after 24 hours from completion, most of the time, you failed. It is not accurate, it is a game. Our mission is to Empower, Unite, and Advance every nurse, student, and educator. Obviously, nothing is 100% accurate but I haven’t heard of anyone that does the entire process in a way that you will see below and fail. If you get the "bad" pop up, there is a slight chance you may have still passed. The trick worked for me. Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion. There is nothing to "work" or "not work".
Honestly, there isn't much anyone can tell you.
Pretty accurateNew comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castA community for nursing students and nurses who love students.Press J to jump to the feed.
Since 1997, allnurses is trusted by nurses around the globe. It worked for everyone in my nursing class. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Good luck!Did it, got the good pop up. Sounds like you enjoy playing it since you are doing it over and over. If I get the bad pop up I'll have a complete meltdown and won't finish moving in time.
Its hit or miss.Aaaaaaaaaand that's exactly why I'm not doing it. Most of the time if you can't register again right away, you passed.
Thanks for the info!It might be quicker to just check the state board website. I didn't want to deal with that so I just tried to not think about it and paid for the quick results when they became available. Good luck fellow nurse
I was mentally preparing myself to retake it. You can put your information in but if you did not submit it, you will not see the pop-up. Afterwards, I did the PVT and got the good pop up. Good luck. I completely understand your hesitancy regarding the PVT! The way I have understood, if you get the "good" pop up, it is accurate. I hope you passed though! It showed up before the quick results for me.To my knowledge there are no false "good" pop ups, but there are false "bad" pop ups.This is what I've heard as well. I've heard it is indeed accurate but I guess I'll know tomorrow if quick results are available even on Sunday. You will see a walk through explanation and video of it today. Just wondering if anyone has heard of it being unreliable?I did it. Everyone I know who has done it and gotten the message, has passed. i just took my nclex I took the NCLEX yesterday at 8 am. I don't know anyone who got a false good pop up.From what I've seen/heard it's pretty reliable. You also didn’t have to fill out your credit card information. I took my test 8/22. I did all 265 questions on the NCLEX and thought I completely failed it, I Google'd the PVT, and was hesitant to try it at first but I ended up getting the "good pop up." If someone told you that he performed a trick on pearson vue, you may have wondered how the trick was possible. Should I still pay for quick results? 99.9% of the time. It also shut off at 75 questions and have had the good pop up. Anything between is a toss-up.