This can be done by using accurate words to express your thoughts and encouraging your staff to do the same. }�X���O�X�L '��W}jF�+�����?�ň8�,0Ģw���u, � z���Y���j���H +�(�P#���774�c�C�EA�(2�D눠G{1�u6�w(�F��y�5HeK$3��xͲ��#C�����!�э�������H4�tY�/�QNI���3�k��_���>ߒ^}U��2����@�r�bۦr��ѕ˜�I3tyN��="nf�~E3�&�Dw �`��A�5�hyP|o�Ȑ�|���W�*NeW <> fJ�L�R�$l�{n��)�i*�XL%� ‚]+�:�gh�j�zc�MV�X�H(��Y݄s�v�5�l��p$�ZN ��9��0�0i���oJ���!o.��\�4�&9nv˕�^�=����\��%�o�!v}`��e�B,1��ߦ����P&��f�BbAK����'�L]��(�)�`t��]�{p�w����R_H�'���ܰ4�7�d�\����O��t$�����;T��0�̪*$FV� 6K����������L6�� 1 0 obj h��X�o�F�W�c��ѽ�4t��oM[��2 0���~��6��>RK�c'�m@a0���H��GE&>�LB��/ȨH �8���dxb�; Th ey motivate people and are able to negotiate for resources and other support to achieve their goals. GREAT MANAGERS How good could it be? Good managers should strive to be good leaders and good leaders, need management skills to be eff ective. As a manager, it is important to ensure that your communication style is clear and effective.

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In this section, we show you a simple, powerful framework for develop-ing good managers who only get better with time (and practice!).

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Management (PPM), PM software, technology, and general PM practices.

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���*�F��V�/O�DHc�*"Q ��a[r��3��� The Project Management movement during the past 5 years has improved the knowledge base of life cycle processes by mastering the mechanics of project management life cycle (PMLC) framework but all the certifications in the world does not mean you're a good leader. 225 0 obj <>stream -�w����n�� �Ǩ���¬���.\����a��v�58���� Z�Yi��S��#Z���L�ŒQ:+S�F��)��5�Y#�G����=[Y�o;�)�Ҽu��;�ŝ��fmc���$�+۶��ƶGl�;?��Y�Uk�-[��›�4K�%=��w�3"U ��V�c�d�,g��l��s�pU��*��tc��!8zhH�z^�60j:�q�)�.�M�O�M+��"��ΖB�.r�vE����'���f�A�:��d�;��K+��@����c�i����q���sbN��z(4��bb�0� endstream endobj 171 0 obj <>/Metadata 16 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/Pages 168 0 R/StructTreeRoot 32 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 172 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Type/Page>> endobj 173 0 obj <>stream Remarkably enough, five of the six are people skills.

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