We have made the decision because none of us can escape.Kolesnikov wrote the second note at 15:15. I want to see him again. At first the Russian authorities did not reveal that they had lost contact with the vessel, and then dithered over accepting Hopes were raised on the Monday following the accident when navy reports said an SOS was being hammered out on the hull. Russian experts on one of the most technologically advanced submarines in the Russian fleet told the divers that they must open the valve counter-clockwise or they would break it. "His letter, much of which was said to be personal and for his family only, is conclusive evidence that many of the Russian navy's statements at the time of the sinking, in August, were untrue.Kolesnikov, the son of a submariner, from St Petersburg, who was the commander of the turbine team and the submarine's 7th section, wrote the note after taking refuge in the submarine's rear compartment. THE last words of a dying officer scribbled in the darkness on board a sunken Russian nuclear submarine proved yesterday that at least 23 sailors survived the … Let's hope that at least someone will read this. A note found on one of the four bodies raised from the sunken Russian nuclear submarine Kursk reveals that at least 23 people remained alive after explosions killed most of the crew.

They discovered that the system had been turned off the day of the accident in violation of procedure.Despite the many lapses in procedures and equipment, Ustinov said no charges would be filed because the disaster was caused by a technical malfunction and blame could not be placed on specific individuals. https://www.popularmechanics.com/.../a23494010/kursk-submarine-disaster This protocol was intended to eliminate the possibility of a collision and to allow surface ships to detect the presence of a Western spy sub. Yet it also gives official information. None of us can get to the surface." The families of those who died on the submarine protested that they did not want additional lives put at risk to bring up the dead.On Monday 14 August, Fleet Admiral Vladimir Kuroyedov stated the accident had been caused by a serious collision with a During the original exercise, the Russians required each of their submarines to stay within a specified area. All personnel from section six, seven and eight have moved to section nine. This beast was over five hundred feet long, and displaced over fifteen thousand tons when submerged.

They salvaged a high-pressure Mammoet converted the 24,000-long-ton (24,000 t), 130-metre (430 ft) long, Divers cut a large hole in the barge's hull to allow room for the submarine's sail. The pain I felt then has come true. And what is your own explanation of that particular accident. The report, from the ITAR-Tass new agency, was the first sign that anyone had survived the initial blasts that tore apart the submarine and sunk it in the Barents Sea on 12 August.The note did not indicate any cause of the catastrophe. He also said there was no evidence that the torpedo had been damaged when it was loaded onto When Ustinov closed the criminal case without filing charges,While the official government commission blamed the explosion on a faulty weld in the practice torpedo, Vice-Admiral Valery Ryazantsev cited inadequate training, poor maintenance, and incomplete inspections that caused the crew to mishandle the weapon.After the accident, investigators recovered a partially burned copy of the safety instructions for loading HTP torpedoes, but the instructions were for a significantly different type of torpedo and failed to include essential steps for testing an air valve. There are 23 people here. The Kursk was essentially the Titanic of the submarine world. We feel bad, weakened by carbon dioxide ... Pressure is increasing in the compartment.

Although the sub was at periscope depth with her radio antennas extended, no one in the command post was able to send a distress signal or press a single button that would initiate an emergency ballast tank blow and bring the submarine to the surface.Two minutes and 14 seconds after the first explosion in the torpedo compartment,While the sub was submerged, 78 crew were normally assigned to the first four compartments and 49 to the rear five compartments.HTP is normally stable until it comes in contact with a catalyst.

He said: "The note is very personal and will be handed over to his family. Ustinov wrote that the entire exercise had been "poorly organized" and that the probe had revealed "serious violations by both Northern Fleet chiefs and the Putin dismissed the Northern Fleet's submarine commander, Vice Admiral Oleg Burtsev,As a result of the disaster, Russia began participating in NATO search and rescue exercises in 2011. Investigators, who are hopeful of finding further messages, believe the note could provide vital insight into the causes and immediate aftermath of the disaster. "On the same day as Putin's broadcast, Deputy Prime Minister On 26 July 2002, almost two years later, the government commission and Russia's Prosecutor General, Ustinov released a 133-volume top-secret report in August 2002, two years after the disaster. I want to read his letter. In pitch-black darkness, some time after the explosions which sent the Kursk to the bottom of the ocean, Lieut Capt Dmitri Kolesnikov realised he was not going to survive. In many ways the Russians' efforts to retrieve any survivors on the Kursk with a giant diving bell most closely resemble what happened after an American submarine… The Kursk submarine disaster occurred during a major Russian naval exercise in the Barents Sea on Saturday, 12 August 2000. Late on Saturday night, nine hours after the boat sank, Northern Fleet commander Admiral Popov ordered the first search for the submarine. It then expands 5,000 times in volume extremely rapidly, acting as an Analysis revealed that when the 1,000 kilograms (2,200 lb) of concentrated high-test peroxide and 500 kilograms (1,100 lb) of kerosene exploded, the internal torpedo tube cover and the external tube door were blown off, opening the torpedo room to the sea.

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