Grab the small key and then use it on the door to reach the next floor.Just to the right of the staircase, use the bow to shoot the eye with an arrow, allowing you to quickly reach this storage area where you can refill your hearts, bombs, arrows, and grab some extra time.The remainder of this room is identical to the first trip, with the exception being, the type of enemies that appear. Nothing has changed in this room, other than the Swift Phantom that now appears near the bottom screen. Make your way along the path until you reach the steps heading down. Furthermore, Link’s shield is now upgraded, capable of stunning weaker enemies by just walking into them. While the bombchu is moving, move your stylus on the screen to revert the camera back to Link. and hit the crystal ball to shut down the wind.
Walk along the musical walkway nearby and approach it from the north to find a With that done, head down the path that the spikes revealed to find another crystal ball. Begin by making a tightrope to the east and heading over to the torches there. Max says that he'll let you into the main temple on the island, but first you'll need to discover the shape of a certain crest and draw it on the tablet in the corridor. Be sure to follow the path of the red phantom that is near you and you’ll see that it walks across the gap to the east side of the room. No worries, though; just keep hitting them and hitting them. Stand between the red blocks and the blue blocks, then throw your boomerang back towards the switch to move on. Fire an arrow at the switch to the north to drop the ice crystals that lead onward.
Try rolling away from it when you see him coming down.
When you get past the battle room with the snakes inside, you'll come to the big door leading to the boss.
Take it slowly but surely to the east and plant it into one of the receptacles there. This involves proceeding through both the western and eastern portions of the room here to stand on pressure plates on either side of it. Anyway, if you head to the center, you can speak to Golden Chief Cylos. (if you try to go past the spikes while holding the Force Gem, Hit the pots to Most easy enemies can be dispatched with a single blow from your cannon, but the tougher ones will take multiple hits before going down, and some will even submerge themselves and become unhittable.
If he runs into you, it'll After a few instances of eye-whacking, Bellum will sink for good, causing a lengthy cutscene to play. When you come to the room with two rows of bombs in it, stand in the middle of them and spin attack to hit both sides at the same time. We found a When you're done poking around in the cave, head outside and start looking around on the main part of the island. In the next room, there is a door to the north, but it won't open for you The next platform has an unkillable enemy on it, but you can knock it off the platform by repeatedly hitting it. He progressively gets harder to take down, and will eventually start fighting back with a stick; if he hits you three times, the match is over. He'll also sometimes drop down himself and attempt to charge you. Anyway, you have a pretty clear shot to the southwestern corner of the floor here, so head there and take the steps downward. The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass Walkthrough. There's an eye target there; hitting it will let you spawn another treasure chest with 20 rupees inside. In this phase, Crayk will usually be invisible to you. There's another Traveler's ship here in the northwestern map section. Pay them if you like, but this guide should have everything you need to know in it. Hit them all simultaneously with a spin attack to open the door in the middle of the map here. That'll extend another bridge on the northern part of the zone.
The blue jellies will stay sparking until you hit them with a boomerang, so whack them with that, then finish them off with your sword.
Write it down somewhere; mark it in large letters on the far side of the map if you have to. Curve it around the corner to the west and have it hit the switch nearby; that'll raise the red blocks and lower the blue blocks to the south.
Use bombchus here and draw a line for them to enter the Dongorongo's mouth. Kill them all to find the The boomerang is the first piece of equipment that you find, but not the last. With all three in place, head through the door that opens up.Inside this new room, open the treasure chest to get the Southeastern Sea Chart. It's worth noting that the time pressures on you here will be somewhat worse than they have been in the past; if you wish to do so, now might be a good time to head out and try to salvage some of the treasure spots you've seen in the ocean in the hopes that some of them might contain more sand for your Hourglass. You can head up to the top of the mountain to find a 20 Rupee piece in a chest; apart from that, you're good to head into your first full-fledged dungeon. If you spoke to the Old Wayfarer before, he'll probably send you something in the mail here; we got a ship part, the Barrel Shack. You can kill them with bombs, or by hitting them with the boomerang and then slashing them. First place the Square Crystal, then the Round Crystal, and finally the Triangle Crystal. Nab the With that done, head across the bridge to the west and use bombs on the two statues here to unlock the door to the south. The fog will be thick and heavy, so trace your route right over the route that you marked down earlier on. If you ever get spotted by them, run to a safe zone and they'll lose your scent. After speaking with her, you'll be able to get your fortune told. After obtaining the slate, you can return to the golden frogs and hit them with your cannon. This can be complicated, but it is doable, especially if you get in the habit of standing on one of the tiles to prevent it from flipping, or trying to hammer the squares outside of the puzzle area to flip one or two tiles at a time. The Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass Walkthrough -Temple of … You'll need to move the wind statues near them so that both of the windmills are rotated, but doing so is easier said than done.