Got sick when I stopped, almost vomited. It will be a false peace for a period of time. Westbrook adds that, “The union army did not allow them to remove the bodies from the camp. That was an after thought.Blacks with an entitled mentality will always whine and complain. Can you imagine bodies buried in the camp where men, … Lincoln and the northern businesses wanted that cotton to be made into clothes in the northern factories. Want the government to pay you just because you were borne.
The old southern plantations were broke, they could not sustain their own families, much less a huge population of freed slaves, so the newly freed slaves, sought out the yankee camps, since they were from all accounts, the ones by whose hand they were made free..right?
Can come in handy when wanting to learn something about what really went on in, for instance, Zimbabwe.It’s too much to learn, too much to know and I accept that.Hhayi, ayikho inking Angela. Do not be deceived by the modern law-keepers and sacred-name Hebrew-roots movements that are full of heresy and who deny YASHAYA the Messiah.Yahushawah, Yeshua, Yashua, Yahusha, Yahwsha, Yahusha, Yahawashi, Joshua, Jesus (Greek, son of Zeus), (to list only a sample of the false names being claimed to be the sacred name).The North started the Civil War. Just when you thought you knew the bad guys, a little history is revealed to demonstrate you don’t.The more knowledge gained about the history of slavery, and the general history of Black people, the more you will understand why our society is the way it is. So you’re mostly right, and just a smidgen wrong. Ngiyajabula ukuzwa loko. Sala kahle.As I black man, I was especially incensed by this. On a related, yet separate note.
I did hear about the Indian Removal Act and Jackson was a total scumbag with how he treated the Natives. Shovels were left for the living to bury the bodies where they dropped. You are the damned disease that has run rampant on this planet for the last 500 years. The civil war was an incomplete job! 1861 Engagement USA Units (Dyer) CSA Units (Crute) Jan. 9 : Adoption Secession Ordinance: By State.... Jan. 20: Seizure of Fort on Ship Island: By State Troops.... Sept. 17: Evacuation of Ship Island: By Confederates.... Nov. 21-Dec. 3: Exp. enormous influx of former slaves as new inhabitants trooped in but the unenthused Both parties support racism, one is overt while the other is nuanced.Funny you should bring up cartoons.
The state can buy the land and dig up the bodies if it wanted to. Their skulls are crying every night.
The Federal government should buy the land and pay archeologists needed to do the job. It really is two sides of the same coin.In addition to the hard labor, Black people were starved out as they were annexed from society. the saying:, “A leopard does not change its spots”.No different are so many today with the same mentality, who shall lift up their eyes with their ancestors in Hell for all eternity.Our country should have cleansed the south of racism long ago.
Why the truth is a threat to national security? Westbrook adds that, “The union army did not allow them to remove the bodies from the camp. One, the Third Temple, and two, the technology for a cashless society to fulfill the prophecy of the Mark of the Beast.WOW just what I was searching for. And the population went from about 10,000 to 120,000 overnight,” Westbrook said.“So they decided to build an encampment for ’em at Devil’s Punchbowl which they walled off and wouldn’t let ’em out,” Don Estes, former director of the Natchez City Cemetery, said.Estes said that history research is his life. Why would anyone wanna own 20,000 sets of bones, unless the land owner’s a freak.I am from concordia as well I heard an airplane flew in it I heard pirates use to hide treasure there my dad told me it was a grave and I never believed him… Very sad…So sorry to hear…What they did to your Descendants, it’s despicable to think that, that kind of evil exists…But Black People know it does, what makes this All the more disgusting? They were not fed. And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.” (Revelation 14:9-11).People have been saying the end is coming for many years, but we need two key things. I do want to read more about this from several historian views not from some dude who worked at a cemetery !This is true.
And thousands and thousands died. If they could bring back slavery they would. thanks to the fate that befell supposed free Blacks in Natchez, Mississippi in
Seems to me … . However this ship while enroute to London, was stopped and boarded by a Yankee warship. You see the Trent was a British ship and on it were Southern diplomats enroute to England to lobby for the war effort and achieve closer ties per the textile (cotton) industry in Britain. Are we talking about Holocaust survivor concentration camps in Germany, Poland and Austria, Rwanda slaughterers or the American concentration camps for Japanese-Americans in the USA? He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb.
Lincoln denied the requests. He is a blogger, voice-over artist and MC. I got back into writing fiction a few years ago because I was compelled to write that I wanted to show in fiction forms and also to work on a series that deconstruct various tropes associated with certain genres.Both US parties are the same coin just different sides. Say the words concentration camps, and most will surmise the topic surrounds World War II and the Nazis; but the hard labor, constant threat of death, and barbarism these microcosmic hells presented weren’t unique to Adolf Hitler — in just one year, around 20,000 freed slaves perished in the Devil’s Punchbowl — in Natchez, Mississippi, U.S.A. The story line about those FEMA camps IS a myth.The emancipation Proclamation didn’t really free the southern slaves. It is not the Name of Yashaya the savior. As it is they are using the prison system for profit.Son of Israel please define the name Yeshayah.