The best way to water a poinsettia plant is to put the plant in the kitchen sink, then saturate the plant slowly until water drips through the drainage hole. Keeping other plants in the same room can also help increase humidity. Here are approximate measurements of water to give for weekly watering when the potting soil is low moisture (each measurements ensures some water will drain through the drainage holes in the base of the pot): The poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) is among the most recognised seasonal plants on earth. Poinsettia likes moist soil but not damp, so water only when the soil feels dry.

Also, relocate the poinsettia plant to a cool, dark area until spring or around April.

Don't be put off, it's easy when you know how. POINSETTIA CARE TIPS. To keep the poinsettia in bloom as long as possible, maintain a temperature of 65 to 75 F during the day. Then place the plant outside in indirect sunlight. Poinsettias are cheery plants that are widely grown indoors over Christmas for their brightly coloured bracts. This plant should not be fertilised while flowering. If you've ever seen a leggy poinsettia in bloom, with only a couple of sad looking leaves hanging on, it was probably exposed to temperatures that were too cool or to extreme shifts in temperature. You will also find unusually colored poinsettias such as blue or purple in garden centers. If you aren’t ready to rid the pot of its shiny wrapper, be sure the foil is completely drained after every watering. Continue watering the poinsettias, keeping the plant's soil moist and fertilize the plant every two weeks using a soluble 20-20-20 fertilizer. They are sometimes sprinkled with glitter.In late spring or early summer, transplant your poinsettia into a larger container (about 2 to 4 inches bigger than the original pot) or into a part-sun garden bed.“How can I make my poinsettia rebloom?” is a common question.Poinsettias can be grown as attractive green plants, but most people are interested in making their green poinsettia colorful again and ready for the holidays.It is not an easy task, as it requires excluding light from the plant for a period of time while keeping the plant healthy.

This is a sign the plant is too stressed and is dying. They are also safe to put into the compost. Poinsettia plants should be purchased last on your shop-ping trip so that they are not kept in the car too long. If the plant stands in water, the roots will rot. Make sure your plant is in a pot that drains freely.

Look for these varieties:

Water until it drains out the bottom, but do not let the plant sit in water. ! Some varieties have bracts with patterns in red and white, pink and white, or green and white and even bright orange.Flower forms vary as well with some looking similar to a rose. Like most plants a poinsettia is measured by the size of its pot. Snip or 'pinch' these shoots so that it promotes outward growth for the rest of the year making your poinsettia fuller. 297087 - VAT no. If you want to save your poinsettia and bring it to bloom again next year, you can follow the repotting and reblooming procedure. During the holidays, while in full bloom, they typically enjoy semi-cool, humid locations in bright, indirect light with plenty of moisture. Keep the plant away from heat vents and drafts, which can cause the leaves to drop.Find more gardening information on Gardening Know How: If the pot is covered by the typical foil wrapping, remove the foil to allow the water to drain. South-, east- or west-facing windows are preferable to a north-facing window. The plant may need repotting. Be sure to wear protective gloves when pruning, as the branches can ooze a white sap that may cause skin irritation.
If you wish to keep your poinsettia through more than one season and force reblooming, follow these steps. Sign up for our newsletter. Keep up to date with all that's happening in and around the garden.

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