Culture plays a big role in business, Movies have influence managerial task, Company activities and other ways of doing business around the world because it has open many Jobs and also has to communicate to abroad audience of workers and the audience.
As it relates to our society, John Singleton’s masterpiece po......‘’impact of Indian movies on Pakistani youth’’ it is stated that Indian actors and Indian movies are very much popular in Pakistani youth. This is shown by a personal battle with their inner self, personal choice leading to a change in their emotions, different people having different ways of adapting to new challenges, individuals trying to shut off the rest of the world and the help of others an individual's attitude will change as they enter ......One of my favorite John Singleton movies, “Boyz 'N The Hood,” is always on BET and I had considered it to be a huge impact on society. It also creates employment for the locals and boosts the American economy. However, English corrupts other languages, especially developing and undeveloped countries’ languages are degenerating. In short, Hollywood movies have a power to direct to societies to consume more by encouraging people to fancy lives.As a consequence, Hollywood movies influence societies negatively by using perception management. For example, a woman died in the theater from heart attack while watching “The Passion of Christ”. Studies show that adrenaline junkies love going to horror films since being scared gives them real pleasure.
Retrieved 06, 2013, from 06, 2013. This fact is called as ‘Americanization’ and it is a sort of imperialism, actually, it is a cultural imperialism. Hollywood movies are one of these areas. Hollywood movies do have a good influence on the world. “The effects of media violence on society.” Esperdy, Gabrielle. Hollywood movies do in fact affect national culture outside the United States both positively as well as negatively. Accessed 06, 2013.
Youths now strive to talk, eat, behave and dress exactly like characters in Hollywood films.
However, in recent times, subtitles that are translated different languages have increased appeal of films. In the short run the costs are generally represe......
Especially, teen movies affects youths’ lifestyle. "Effects of Hollywood Movies on World Cultures" People may subconsciously try to be like a character they see in a film they very much like, even if that character has wicked intentions.
They can help the economy grow, inspire individuals, and expand our basic knowledge of the world around us.
Therefore, the companies establish a close relationship with the film makers.
Firstly, Hollywood movies promote violence in societies, with increasing rate of accessibility of Hollywood movies. 2. For example, nobody can forget Brad Pitt’s cool behaviors with cigarettes as a leader in Fight Club. But of course, films can also give benefits to your health.
Millions of people went to see that movie; some of them probably had the desire to buy the new Apple product because they saw how well it was working in the hands of the characters.
It is valued approximately at $754 billion which makes it one of the largest entertainment industries in the world. Initially, most Hollywood movies show the rich’s fancy life and motivate people to be like them.
Also, they can set a target of life to live like Hollywood characters; for this purpose, they have to spend vast sum of money. Most actors, directors, cinematographers, etc. Youths are generally in an identity seek. There is a close relationship between the tobacco industry and film makers. Although most of the money goes directly to the studio that has produced the movie, some of it goes to the country.
So many people see movies every day and the film industry is so big and influential. The fact is that Hollywood movies have a huge effect on brains and influence behaviors of individuals and societies. This improvements caused rapid spread of Hollywood films from the USA to other countries. So, because of big productions, it’s not only that money goes to the country and thus the economy is developed, but private manufacturers and companies prosper and there are more workers in the field.Films can also both improve and ruin the health of individuals.
There are negative sides to.
Also, traditional values are shown to youths as ridiculous things such as traditional dressing. ...
This is why, Hollywood movies are very important because these movies are one of the most effective factor of spreading English language. They inspire individuals to work towards their dreams and inspire them to get into the industry. 44% thought that the impact was negative. Mr. James Beil
Briefly stated, Hollywood movies have a huge effect on youths because they can be easily affected from external factors and Hollywood abuses this situation.Consumerism is one of the biggest problem of the globalizing world. The article discussed both the positive and negative effects of Hollywood movies on the society. All Rights Reserved. A lot of people find jobs in the film industry, especially in the US.
Samira Tan However, movies can affect society in both positive and negative ways. Although the resources of the world are limited, the human has a tendency to continue to increase its population all around the world. Music In World Culture
Another point is that sexuality and pornography are extensive in Hollywood movies and this can cause social problems.