49.2% of students in 98058 public schools receive or are eligible to participate in free or reduced lunch programs. Rentals in 98059 are most commonly 2 bedrooms. Renton is a city located in King county in the state of Washington. It is spread along the coordinates of +47.485348 and -122.029670.
The number of people in their late 20s to early 40s is extremely large while the number of middle aged adults is large. So 98059 is likely to be one of the nicer parts of town with a more affluent demographic. Zip Code 98055 is located in Renton, King county in the state of Washington. ZIP code 98059 is located in central Washington and covers a slightly less than average land area compared to other ZIP codes in the United States.
Zip Code 98058 Description Zip Code 98058 is located in the state of Washington in the Seattle - Tacoma metro area. (see all below). The majority of household are owned or have a mortgage. About ZIP code 98055. It is spread along the coordinates of +47.485348 and -122.029670. Zip code 98059 is primarily located in King County.
Users should contact the City Clerk's Office for ordinances passed subsequent to the ordinance cited above. would like to have printed using the map on the page. Nearest Zip Codes: 98059 - Renton, WA 98042 - Kent, WA 98031 - Kent, WA 98055 - Renton, WA 98056 - Renton, WA 98030 - Kent, WA 98057 - Renton, WA 98006 - Bellevue, WA 98178 - Seattle, WA 98032 - Kent, WA 98027 - Issaquah, WA 98092 - Auburn, WA 98188 - Seattle, WA 98038 - Maple Valley, …
It is also slightly less than average compared to nearby ZIP codes. 3+ bedrooms are also common and rent for $1,000+/month. The rent for 2 bedrooms is normally $1,000+/month including utilities. Renton is part of the Pacific Standard Time. Looking at 98059 real estate data, the median home value of $363,500 is extremely high compared to the rest of the country. The majority ethnicity residing in 98059 is White while the majority ethnicity attending 98059 public schools is White. Explore Renton, Washington zip code map, area code information, demographic, social and economic profile. Zip Codes; RENTON Zip Code (WA) Renton is a city of King, Washington in the Northwest region of the USA.
In most parts of the country, the majority of commuters get to work in under half an hour. Zip code 98055 statistics: (Find on map) Estimated zip code population in 2016: 23,234 Zip code population in 2010: 21,904 Zip code population in 2000: 26,953 Mar. The current unemployment level in 98058 is 18.7% which is higher than the current county unemployment level of 3.9% and is higher than the current state unemployment at 15.8% and higher than the current national unemployment rate at 13.3%. Renton, WA Acceptable: Newcastle Stats and Demographics for the 98059 ZIP Code. The current unemployment level in 98059 is 18.7% which is higher than the current county unemployment level of 3.9% and is higher than the current state unemployment at 15.8% and higher than the current national unemployment rate at 13.3%. The people living in ZIP code 98059 are primarily white. mi. Key Zip or click on the map.. Advertisement.
Zip Code Boundary Map Zip Code 98058 Renton, Washington .
It also has a slightly higher than average population density. There are a slightly smaller percentage of employees that have to travel over 45 minutes to reach their place of employment. Zip Code 98055 is located in Renton, King county in the state of Washington. Renton has 5 zip codes and 5 area codes which we have listed below. There are 0 postal offices in zip code … The Renton Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 5974, passed July 13, 2020. 98055 Zip Code is spread between the coordinates of +47.485348 Latitude and -122.029670 Longitude.
Renton is the 12th most connected city in Washington ahead of Kent, Bellevue, Issaquah, Mercer Island, and Maple Valley. It has a much lower than average number of people that make it to work in under half an hour. There are 10 different elementary schools and high schools with mailing addresses in ZIP code 98059. ZIP code 98059 is located in central Washington and covers a slightly less than average land area compared to other ZIP codes in the United States. What Time Zone is Renton, Washington. Select a particular Renton ZIP Code to view a more detailed map and the number of Business, Residential, and PO Box addresses for that ZIP Code.The Residential addresses are segmented by both Single and Multi-family addessses. Homes in ZIP code 98059 were primarily built in the 2000s or the 1960s.
There are also a large number of families and a small number of single adults. City of Renton, WA - KING County Washington ZIP Codes. The preferred city may not be the city in which the ZIP is located. mi. Users can easily view the boundaries of each Zip Code and the state as a whole. Renton is a city located in King county in the state of Washington. Renton has 5 zip codes and 5 area codes which we have listed below. It also has a slightly higher than average population density. 98055 Zip Code is spread between the coordinates of +47.485348 Latitude and -122.029670 Longitude.