Anmerkung: Wenn Sie Kerosin verbrennen, wird Alkohol NICHT genügend Hitze erzeugen, um Ihren Kocher ausreichend vorzuheizen. Um einen neuen Filter zu installieren, legen Sie den Filter auf eine harte Unterlage wie z.B. If you plan to cook for groups or make more elaborate meals in the backcountry, the new remote-canister stove is an excellent choice. The perfect location to fire up the MSR Whisperlite! Der Brennstoffleitungsfilter befindet sich im Adapter für den Brennstoffschlauch des Kochers; dies ist das Messingrohr, das in die Brennstoffpumpe eingeführt wird. Like any piece of quality backpacking gear, the Whisperlite is an investment. There are currently two WindBurner stove designs. Ein Fläschchen Pump Cup Oil liegt jedem MSR-Kocher bei. Kann ich meinen alten MSR-Kocher zu einem Shaker Jet-Modell aufrüsten? Now it is time to look at both the pros and cons of backpacking with the Whisperlite Universal.There you have it my friends. No matter what type of traveler or hiker you are, the MSR Whisperlite Universal is a fantastic addition to any backpacking kit. For more serious adventures and backpackers, there has been one backpacking stove that has been consistently crushing its competition for three decades: The MSR Whisperlite Universal.When it comes to producing a quality product that will last the length of your backpacking career, MSR is as good as it gets. Sie erreichen sie Montag bis Freitag zwischen 8 und 16 Uhr (Pacific Standard Time) unter Tel.
WindBurner pots must be used only with WindBurner stoves. Sollte dies das Problem ebenfalls nicht beheben, dann müssen Sie die Brennstoffleitung reinigen.
The MSR Whisperlite Universal is a great addition to the liquid fuel lineup. Jede Fluggesellschaft hat andere Regeln für den Transport von Campingkochern. Womit schmiere ich die Brennstoffleitung, bevor ich sie in die Pumpe einsetze? If you need liquid fuel performance, however, we think this model's versatility makes it a great value. If you are traveling as a larger group, having a stove that is efficient and powerful is key when you are cooking for multiple individuals.As I mentioned before you’ll never have to stress about finding fuel canisters when you have the Whisperlight. It’s important to remember that each WindBurner stove system is just that—a system, which requires its burner and its specially engineered pot. In 2018, just about every backpacking stove out there is relatively safe. Ja. Deshalb ist es wichtig, eine regelmäßige Wartung Ihres Kochers durchzuführen.
They certainly did not skimp on the safety.Do to the quality of the construction and engineering you should never have to worry about fuel leaks, bum fuel-lines, or other catastrophic failures.Cooking with a Whisperlight Universal or any other stove for that matter is inherently slightly dangerous. You heard that right. 1. Wie vermeide ich den schwarzen Ruß, der sich nach dem Vorheizen auf dem Boden meines Kochers ablagert? You can burn just about any sort of fuel short of burning whiskey (though you probably could do, at least for a little while: not recommend).From the perspective of ease of obtaining a usable fuel source whilst traveling internationally, the Whisperlite is clearly Certainly, the Whisperlite Universal is not the cheapest backpacking stove out there. Safe as anything can be when a fuel-burning open flame device is involved.Over the last decades, the folks at MSR have spent countless hours and energy pouring all of their collective genius into making the Whisperlight as efficient, well-engineered, and durable as possible. I have sung its praises thoroughly. It comes in the new If you simply want to boil water fast, and your party size is typically only 1-3 people, the No, the WindBurner is not designed to be used this way. However, you can almost always find isobutane fuel canisters in any major city, though if you fail to plan you could be stuck without any fuel option.That is the big reason why the MSR Whisperlite Universal kicks so much ass. Chris Lininger is a writer, photographer, and guide from California.
Kann ich mit meinem MSR Kocher auch Alkohol verwenden? Leave a 1-inch (2.5-cm) gap between Windscreen and pot for optimal performance. Kocherbenzin ("White Gas" oder auch Reinbenzin) ist weltweit bei den unterschiedlichsten Verkaufsstellen erhältlich. You will likely be using this stove on adventures for years and years to come.MSR also offers up a great warranty and repair program if ever your stove were to get damaged or malfunction. Dies geschieht durch langsames Abschrauben der Pumpe während die Flasche aufrecht gehalten wird, in sicherer Entfernung von offenen Flammen. The MSR Whisperlite Universal is not cheap. Now that I am getting a little older I have been thinking about going to gas or maybe even alcohol style stoves. Please drop us a line below, we would love to hear from you. Um den Filter zu entfernen, nehmen Sie eine Sicherheitsnadel und drücken Sie die scharfe Spitze durch die Mitte des Filters. Warum heizt mein Kocher nicht richtig vor oder zündet nicht? The original threads directly onto the top of the canister. Wie spüle ich die DragonFly™-Brennstoffleitung aus? Mein Kocher zündet, hat aber nur eine sehr schwache Flamme.