Eureka vs Zuul: What are the differences? Nginx web server hosts static resources, and we defined reverse proxies to the web server for Nginx, Zuul and Spring Cloud Gateway. Time per request for Zuul at first run is 388ms. Zuul 1 had a major disadvantage respective to Zuul 2 being a blocking synchronous Gateway. Actually API Gateway is not a new concept for us. We performed some research to find out what type of ec2 instances Netflix is using to host Zuul instances, but we couldn’t find any information about it. In some blog posts, people complained about performance of Zuul and asked how Netflix scales it; we think this is the answer; as it is said, Zuul is CPU-bound :)As shown in the figure, Spring Cloud Gateway can handle 873 requests per second, and mean time per request is 229ms. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. ?? This environment is our initial test environment, and we added Zuul and Spring Cloud Gateway installations to this environment. We are currently testing the new filter model (async) with blocking I/O inside netflix.

This includes using non-blocking I/O (practically RxNetty as the networking library) and application processing semantics (RxJava as the asynchronous library)Intentionally staying away from proofs and benchmarks, the motivation for 2.x (essentially moving to an async model) is to have better resilience, control and performance characteristics for all applications inside Netflix.The current status of 2.x is snapshot. There are four of them:We know that you are impatient about seeing the results, so let’s give the results first, and the details later.We used Apache HTTP Server Benchmarking tool. According to our tests, the performance of Spring Cloud Gateway can not reach the level of Zuul, Linkerd and Nginx, at least that’s the case with theirIn this blog post, we compared the performance of Zuul, Nginx, Linkerd, and Spring Cloud Gateway withWe are going to share the results for each step in our succeeding blog posts, stay tuned!ab -n 10000 -c 200 HTTP:/// Thus, being a choke point between a client and your back-end services. We also started another t2.micro EC2 to perform requests (Client EC2).The dashed arrows in the figure are our test paths. You can read more about microservices architecture and its benefits from Martin Fowler’s API Gateway pattern is a good starting point for the microservice architecture because it enables routing specific requests to different services that we detached from the monolith. This includes using non-blocking I/O (practically RxNetty as the networking library) and application processing semantics (RxJava as the asynchronous library) So we changed the server to an m4.large instance which has two CPU cores and 8GB of memory.We ran the Nginx and Zuul reverse proxy tests again, and the results are given below:As shown in the above figures, the request per second values are 32ms and 95ms for Nginx and Zuul, respectively. As of today, I hope the following suffices:2.x intends to move zuul from current synchronous execution model to a top to bottom asynchronous processing model. Mean time per request is 40 ms. We can say that Nginx reverse proxy added a %33 overhead at average when compared to direct access that is explained in the previous section.After that, we created a Spring Boot Application with a main method:The results of the initial Zuul test is as follows:Time per request for Nginx were 30ms and 40ms for direct access and Nginx reverse proxy, respectively. Name Email Dev Id Roles Organization; Netflix Open Source Development: netflixgithub

Also, 2.x comes with lots of changes in usage, so most likely you will have to change all your existing filters, if any. Zuul CI - A program that drives continuous integration, delivery, and deployment systems with a … I am intending to put together something in the coming weeks when time permits. Up until so far, we have been using In this blog post, we explain how we setup our test environment and compare the performance of alternative API Gateways: To evaluate the performance of the API Gateways independently, we created an isolated test environment independent of OpsGenie product. So, unless you are prepared to take the burden of keeping up with these changes, I would recommend waiting a while.

As you would expect, our current product is somewhat monolithic. Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled Some of the API Gateways (Zuul 1, Ngnix) are blocking, and others (Zuul 2, Linkerd, Envoy) are non-blocking. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and Zuul is a gateway service that provides dynamic routing, monitoring, resiliency, security, and more.

Unfortunately there is no documentation about the motivations for 2.x and what it changes. - Netflix/zuul Developing and operating it is challenging in terms of parallel development efforts of teams, CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery) process, etc. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Most probably it will perform better if we run Zuul as a standalone application.We also evaluate m4.2xlarge server which has eight cores and 32GB of memory.

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