The island is composed of a native ecosystem standing upon solid bedrock and has never before been developed or subdivided. The overwhelmingly positive feedback on having simultaneous residencies gives us some exciting ideas and possibilities for the future.– We hosted two Island Talks this summer, boating over 20 visitors for day trips to meet the residents in person, share a meal, and participate in workshops or group explorations of the island.– When opening up camp, several trees—including one of the white pines at the main landing—had been felled by strong storms in the autumn and winter of 2017.
Okunoshima, also known as Usagijima or Rabbit Island, is a wonderful place for people of all ages to spend a day or half a day. ■ We have recently made a We are excited to announce our call for applications for the Rabbit Island Residency program and a new residency for choreographers and composers, created in collaboration with the Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts. Rabbit Island, also known as Manana Island, is located off the southeastern shore of Oahu, about ¾ of a mile (1.2 km) off of Kaupo Beach, just northwest of Makapuu Point. The way the not-yet-existent fresh water cephalopod would live, with and through multiple other organisms, constructs an image of what a possible future world could be. We believe there exists a more meaningful way to juxtapose the mediums of dance and composition to the ethics, emotion, and logic of the Anthropocene. We are looking for ambitious artists from any discipline to place themselves and their practice in this unique environment. ■ From this perspective Rabbit Island will help me grow by allowing me to step outside my comfort zone and invest in my choreographic and narrative style. We believe there exists a more meaningful way to juxtapose the mediums of dance and composition to the ethics, emotion, and logic of the Anthropocene. Awarded residents will receive a generous honoraria and support to travel to, live on, and make work on Rabbit Island. The application deadline for both residency programs is February 15th, 2019 at 11:59 EST.Our 2018 season was a memorable one. The notion that we might find salvation in the fine balance of strategic chemical spills defies belief in the same way the quest for a philosopher’s stone once did. The six-person committee then continued discussing the quality of each artist’s previous work, conceptual strength of their proposal, its relationship to both the Rabbit Island program and wider contemporary issues, and the artist’s ability to demonstrate competence in the wilderness environment. Many small, shoreside aspen trees had been cut down. The water is said to have fatigue-relieving compositions. We do so in the interest of transparency, archival intention, and to provide insight into the quality, critical nature, and ambition of the proposals we receive. While no new chicks were spotted this year, several yearlings and juveniles were seen visiting the nest.– Evidence of a beaver visiting the island this spring or early summer was obvious around the perimeter of the island. We wish to compose small ceremonies for our intimate collection of three, ceremonies for our mailed subscribers, and a final site-specific ceremony for the community near Rabbit Island. The program operates between June and September, championing the advancement of artistic and ecological thought. At the end of the second day a shortlist of approximately 20 applicants was narrowed to 10 finalists. He works in a number of mediums in the arts, with projects involving poetry, prose, visual art, and music.

The way the not-yet-existent fresh water cephalopod would live, with and through multiple other organisms, constructs an image of what a possible future world could be. We would like to thank each artist who submitted proposals and regret not being able to offer more positions.I think dance is easy to recognize but hard to define. An important question running through their work is: what can be named and known without undoing or destroying that same thing? Three incredible artists-in-residence each spent time in dedicated exploration of the island and their practices. Ultimately two residency positions were awarded. The program is founded on the presumption that the current canon is insufficient in celebrating the new environmental narrative. In previous works they discussed the desert landscape and the influence of human colonization; the question: ‘you don’t find a different paradigm, we make it!’ and the idea of utopia as immanent in the here and now, and not as some far-fetched idea in the future.What once was, could become again, and even grow beyond itself.
We visited Rabbit Island via a beautiful cycle trail, from Nelson to Mapua.

The 2018 Rabbit Island Residency Selection CommitteeAs a Vietnamese immigrant arrived in the U.S. during adolescence years, the transitional moment triggers the necessity for intensive observation and awareness.

We wish to compose small ceremonies for our intimate collection of three, ceremonies for our mailed subscribers, and a final site-specific ceremony for the community near Rabbit Island. The view is one of a kind with small islands constituting layers one after another. We do so in the interest of transparency for the residency program and selection process while also providing an insight to the quality, critical nature, and ambition of the proposals we receive. These attract crows which interfere with rabbits.■ While eating food, rabbits are usually too focused.

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