; Off-campus The Berkeley Unified School District is committed to providing equal opportunity for all individuals in district programs and activities. Black Gold Cooperative Library System. Explore our eLibrary wherever you are, whenever you wish. ; If you connect to the Internet through CalVisitor, you will be prompted to authenticate in order to access licensed library resources. Across busy Shattuck Avenue, the downtown's main commercial street, another man was drawing the stares of passers-by as he did rapid push-ups on the sidewalk. Library Card Number or EZ Username Last Name or EZ Password. Library staff said the suspect, identified by police as The building was locked at the time, but Russell gained access after a library employee opened the front door to admit the wounded man, identified by police as The door, once opened, closes slowly, which allowed Murray time to enter as well, Demcak said. Helping sort, shelve, organize, and price donated books. She also has served as deputy director of library services for the Solano County Library and senior community library manager for the Contra Costa County Library.The next-ranking Berkeley library official is Deputy Director of Library Services Elliot Warren.The Board of Library Trustees will discuss the search for a new director at a Sept. 6 meeting, according to the press release. Berkeley Public Library refine their questions to vendors regarding their radio frequency book tag program and by asking those questions, the Library got better information about the vendors’ capabilities. All Berkeley Public Library patrons with Adult, Adult ADA, and Minor library cards can use the Link+ service. But about two dozen terrified library workers ran for cover, dived under desks and jumped railings to flee from the gunman, who shouted "Call the police!" In April, the City Council ousted two BOLT members in what some people characterized as an unprecedented meddling into the library’s governance.Julie Holcomb and Jim Novosel had voted in April 2015 against renaming the south branch library after the late local civil rights hero Tarea Hall Pittman, citing a policy then in effect that branch names should reference geographic locations. or EZ Username Phone (Last four digits) or EZ Password. LINK+ books cannot be renewed any sooner than 72 hours prior to the due date. Tilmon, who was shot clean through the biceps with a .36-caliber lead ball, fled up to the third floor children's room when he saw Russell enter, workers said. In brief: Berkeley writers club to host webinar on literary agents Authors literary agent Andy Ross represents include Daniel Ellsberg, Susan Griffin, Fritjof Capra and Michele Anna Jordan. Link+ materials do not accrue overdue fines, however, unreturned items will be billed and the fee for lost items may be up to $115. Reopening the city's pool is not viable right now despite a fall ballot measure to fund it, the panel also hears. Retired, Silberstein made his fortune as co-founder and first president of Innovative Interfaces. Powers said she was at the information desk when the suspect reached the main floor and pointed a gun at her while she was dialing 911. Your PIN is the last four digits of your library card barcode number. Once logged in you will be able to change your PIN.
To do so, place holds from the For more information on current services available, Search Link+, find our hottest titles, or get a personalized reading list.Enjoy, learn, connect. The agenda was due to be posted later this week at https://www.berkeleypubliclibrary.org/about/board-library-trustees.“The Board of Library Trustees knows that the role of Berkeley Library Director is a terrific opportunity to work with innovative staff, with engaged unions, with an involved community, and with very supportive Friends and Foundation groups,” Davenport said in the release. Additionally, some employees complained of unfair treatment and retaliation.Dolamore was hired by the Berkeley Public Library in early September 2016.