Consum… Jeng, J. H., Chang, M. C., and Hahn, L. J. View abstract.
Food Chem Toxicol 1993;31(7):517-521. View abstract. Pillai, K. G. and Burde, K. N. Increased copper level in oral mucosal tissue of patients with submucous fibrosis and who chew areca nut products.
View abstract.
Oral submucous fibrosis. Shiu, M. N., Chen, T. H., Chang, S. H., and Hahn, L. J. View abstract. Int Dent.J 1996;46(4):350-356.
Am J Clin Nutr 2008;87(1):70-78.
A case report. Diabetes Care 2006;29(7):1714. View abstract. Betel Nut Bad Side Effects for Health: Except for the increased risk of oral cancer, some studies showed that chewing betel nut regularly can be bad for your blood pressure, heart rate and asthma. Howden, G. F. The cariostatic effect of betel nut chewing.
J Oral Surg 1970;28(6):455-456. Some traditional beliefs hold that it may offer relief for a range of ailments, from dry mouth to digestive problems. Mutat.Res 8-8-2004;562(1-2):27-38.
Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. View abstract.
Psychostimulant properties of betel nuts. View abstract. View abstract.
Shah, N. and Sharma, P. P. Role of chewing and smoking habits in the etiology of oral submucous fibrosis (OSF): a case-control study. Ann.Emerg.Med 1999;34(2):238-243. 1-1-2000;65(1):1-6. The nut is used to make medicine. Kuruppuarachchi, K. A. and Williams, S. S. Betel use and schizophrenia. 2003;28(2):171-173. View abstract. View abstract. BMJ 1987;294:841. Limited clinical applications exist, and long-term adverse reactions to betel quid chewing are well documented.
Arch Oral Biol 1986;31(1):45-49.
View abstract. 2; Getting help. View abstract. Tung, T. H., Chiu, Y. H., Chen, L. S., Wu, H. M., Boucher, B. J., and Chen, T. H. A population-based study of the association between areca nut chewing and type 2 diabetes mellitus in men (Keelung Community-based Integrated Screening programme No. Chang, M. C., Kuo, M. Y., Hahn, L. J., Hsieh, C. C., Lin, S. K., and Jeng, J. H. Areca nut extract inhibits the growth, attachment, and matrix protein synthesis of cultured human gingival fibroblasts.
View abstract. Neurosci.Lett. The areca nut is the seed of the areca palm (Areca catechu), which grows in much of the tropical Pacific (Melanesia and Micronesia), Southeast and South Asia, and parts of east Africa. Bhisey, R. A., Ramchandani, A. G., D'Souza, A. V., Borges, A. M., and Notani, P. N. Long-term carcinogenicity of pan masala in Swiss mice. Vimokesant, S. L., Hilker, D. M., Nakornchai, S., Rungruangsak, K., and Dhanamitta, S. Effects of betel nut and fermented fish on the thiamin status of northeastern Thais.
Due to its toxic effects, however, betel nut is probably less beneficial compared to other restorative agents for dental reasons. View abstract.
Some of these drying medications can also affect the brain and heart. II. The areca nut (/ ˈ ær ɪ k ə / or / ə ˈ r iː k ə /) is the seed of the areca palm (Areca catechu), which grows in much of the tropical Pacific (Melanesia and Micronesia), Southeast and South Asia, and parts of east Africa.It is commonly referred to as betel nut, not to be confused with betel (Piper betle) leaves that are often used to wrap it (a preparation known as paan). J Pak.Med Assoc 1992;42(6):145-146. Yen, A. M., Chen, L. S., Chiu, Y. H., Boucher, B. J., and Chen, T. H. A prospective community-population-registry based cohort study of the association between betel-quid chewing and cardiovascular disease in men in Taiwan (KCIS no. Chu, N. S. Effect of betel chewing on performance reaction time.
Some people use areca as a recreational drug because it speeds up the Not enough is known about the safety of taking betel nut by Betel nut contains chemicals that can affect the brain and heart. Eur J Gynaecol.Oncol 1990;11(1):57-59. View abstract. View abstract. Chakrabarti, R. N., Dutta, K., Ghosh, K., and Sikdar, S. Uterine cervical dysplasia with reference to the betel quid chewing habit.
Carcinogenesis 2001;22(9):1527-1535.
Van Wyck CW, Olivier A, De Miranda CM, and et al. Biometals 2007;20(1):43-47.
Wiesner, D. M. Betel-nut withdrawal. Taking betel nut along with procyclidine might decrease the effectiveness of procyclidine.Betel nut contains a chemical that affects the body. View abstract. View abstract. Am J Clin Nutr 2006;83(6):1313-1320. View abstract. Seedat, H. A. and van Wyk, C. W. Submucous fibrosis (SF) in ex-betel nut chewers: a report of 14 cases. The tumor promoting effect of lime-piper betel quid in JB6 cells. 2001;37(6):477-492. Frewer, L. J. 2000;42(5):257-260. This chemical is similar to some medications used for glaucoma, Alzheimer's disease, and other conditions. Some drying medications can also affect the brain and heart.
However, if consumed in large quantities, betel nuts can cause negative effects like: High risk of cancer: Chewing betel nuts has been linked to oral and esophageal cancers, and betel nut is listed as a carcinogen by the WHO.
Betel nut has deleterious effects on oral soft tissues. In its most basic form, betel nut is a seed of the Areca catechu, a type of palm tree. Quid, or chewable drug, made from betel nut typically contains a combination of betel palm nut, betel vine leaf, lime and tobacco.
2006;63(10):882-886. Taiwan has declared an annual “Betel Nut Prevention Day.” City officials in Taipei now fine anyone seen spitting betel nut juice and require them to attend withdrawal classes. Br J Cancer 2001;85(5):658-660. West Indian Med J 2005;54(4):270-271. Int J Obes.
Lack of correlation of betel nut chewing, tobacco smoking, and alcohol consumption with telomerase activity and the severity of oral cancer.