During Phase 1, the Lich King should be tanked by the main tank at a spot near the edge of the platform. During the transition phase, one player usually gets the plague stack from the last add. Whenever its target dies, or the plague is dispelled, it jumps to any nearby The Lich King also periodically casts Infest, which requires the target's HP to be topped off quickly to remove the dot. This ability is extremely dangerous and the major cause of wipes in this encounter. Forevermore - I will be the jailor of the damned.I MUST be forgotten, Tirion! However, he is notably still affected by taunt abilities.
Sort by . This boss has been available since February 2, 2010 on US servers and February 3 on EU servers. Answer Save. When the Lich King kneels and lights up the ground around him, the raid must return to the center area of the platform before the edges of the platform break away (The area that is about to fall becomes very obvious).
Thus initially, the raid should group near the center, everyone on the same side (so that all Val'kyr victims are carried in the same direction). I want to know how Arthas (from Warcraft) Dies and who becomes the new lich king (please give details). The NPC deals nearly enough damage to do the job by himself, but he does need support. Frost orbs head towards the raid and explode if they reach it. When the Lich King resurfaces the outer ring, the victim is dropped safely on the edge, outside of Remorseless Winter. A Discipline priest can proactively shield the raid between Infest casts, helping to minimize the amount the raid needs to be healed. Should the raid decide not to accept Terenas Menethil's resurrection, Tirion Fordring melees the Lich King to death; which takes approximately one hour. How could Éowyn have slain the Witch King of Angmar if he wasn't alive to begin with, and was supposedly unable to be killed, as he was caught between life and death in some kind of Nazgûl-ish limbo? A 70 K raid buffed tank can survive the enrages. The Spirits move very quickly at start but slow down over time, thus snares are helpful. The Lich King moves to the center of the arena, away from the tank, and begins casting Remorseless Winter (a 45 yard AoE). Frost orbs head towards the raid and explode if they reach it. He is dead, for Light's sake! On 10, the orbs appears to spawn every 6 seconds. Vile Spirits (10-man normal: 66,000 health; 25-man normal: 200,000) move toward raid members and explode when they reach their target. Cool-downs can be used as the 2nd Horror emerges. Immediately after the Val'kyr have picked up their targets, the raid should spread out, because after 5 seconds, the first Defile takes place. This phase ends at 70%. This means that the add must die within 60 seconds.
Favorite Answer. 5 yards to the side of Arthas, the off tank(s) set up to tank the adds. 2 Answers. Tanks should take over the add. They must be snared, slowed and nuked. Immediately after the Val'kyr have picked up their targets, the raid should spread out, because after 5 seconds, the first Defile takes place. Raging Spirits melee very hard and possess a frontal cone-area silence ability. The transition is similar to the first Remorseless Winter. You may have a phase 2 break through when you emphasize defile avoidance more than Valk killing. Attempting to dps them down seems to be a bad idea. In order to avoid Defile, the raid must be spread out and close to the outer edge of the platform. The Spirits move very quickly at start but slow down over time, thus snares are helpful. They start with a small amount of threat on a random player but they Arthas also casts a new spell called Harvest Soul every 70 seconds on a random raid member, which causes 45,000 (25-man 90,000) damage over six seconds. Healing classes should heal Terenas. This time every 15 sec a Raging Spirit spawns for a total of four. The plague is a DoT which deals 50k to its target every 5 seconds. Tanks should take over the add.