Are there any gaps in your planning?With a colleague, discuss the suggested strategies for engaging students in sport. Aspects of sport that the authors believe may interest these students include:Along with advice on how to foster a more positive relationship between disengaged students and sports programs, the ASC suggests schools consider these strategies to work at building students’ excitement and connection with sport: allowing students to spend the full school day in their sport uniform; inclusion of some form of novelty in the program; and, allow opportunity for versatile aspects to a sports program, because some students might prefer to spend the time concentrating on personal fitness, while others are more interested in the social aspect of PE.As for the logistics of facilitating a sport program for disengaged students, the ASC has published 14 ‘pre-program questions’ for teachers to consult when planning their programs.The report says it’s important to note that the student-deliverer ratio of 1:15 is essential as engagement levels are likely to drop as the number of students increase, even if there are more deliverers; meaning that a student-deliverer ratio of 3:45 is far less effective for engaging students.Educators are also reminded to be conscious of students from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds, where more physical and less verbal instructions may be necessary. Issues like curriculum pressures (for example, needing to spend a lot of time delivering health and PE theory which restricts the time spent active) and an insufficient range of quality equipment are acknowledged as common problems. It will drive the students more into learning and practicing. If there are numerous students, you can opt for a sport that goes with the majority.Consider the time it would take to let them play. Step 2 It is time you know how you can help students get into sports. Kids don’t want to feel intimidated or afraid of their coaches.
Help them encourage when they fail. The four groups of disengaged students identified in the report are specific and distinct.