Animal and test-tube studies illustrate that it may help lower blood pressure in several ways. If the rash is still itching after 24 hours, you might be experiencing an allergic reaction, either to the stinging nettle itself or to one of the treatments. Natural Standard Bottom Line Monograph: "Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica). Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 2,084,112 times. Roschek, B. Find out more from St John Ambulance about first aid advice, including the symptoms of nettle stings such as a stinging nettle rash, as well as treatment options, and when to seek further medical assistance. I've been using hot water to treat and clean with, so knowing that I should have been using cold was a huge help with the itch & sting!" It’s found in gardens, waste areas, near where animals live, and around moist areas such as creeks.In New Zealand there are 3 species: the native ongaonga (giant tree nettle), and 2 introduced varieties.Small exposures to nettles can cause local symptoms such as burning, itching, redness, swelling (occasionally small blisters will form) and local numbness. It might be an allergic reaction. I'm not sure if it's the nettle plant or not, but It is possible that you have eczema, psoriasis, or even a memory of the itch that is relived whenever you feel stressed. Stinging nettle rashes can be painful and itchy, but they usually resolve within a few days.
I was picking raspberries wearing a t-shirt. There is no scientific evidence to support this practice, but it’s been widely used as a treatment for stinging nettle rash for hundreds of years. How long does it take for the rash to stop itching? Home treatments, such as washing the area with soapy water and taking OTC pain relievers, may help ease the symptoms.If people have severe, long lasting, or worsening symptoms, they can see their doctor. Stinging nettle is a common weed. This article has been viewed 2,084,112 times. I was picking raspberries wearing a t-shirt. Stinging nettle, or Urtica dioica, has been used as food and medicine for centuries. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. If you get stung, go right onto the river and apply the mud or the dirt from the river bottom and rub it into the affected area two or three times if necessary.Anything cold truly helps, and try to avoid anything touching your arm, because you can feel the hairs going deeper into your skin. Nettle stings: Wash the area with soap and water. It's the chemicals in the trichomes (the hollow hair-like structures on leaves and stem) that cause the problem. "This is the first article I read, used a couple of the methods for my ten-year-old son. "The article on stinging nettles was very helpful. Now we treat it with Manuka honey and it soothes it, but it still recurs. " Recognizing the plant and teaching children how to distinguish it can help avoid stinging nettle rash.If people want to clear stinging nettles from their backyard or local area, wearing thick, full length clothing and thick gardening gloves can help prevent stinging.Those who work outdoors and are likely to come into contact with stinging nettles may wish to consider wearing protective gear to help avoid the plant brushing against bare skin and causing a rash.Stinging nettle rashes can be painful and itchy, but they usually resolve within a few days. There was poison ivy there as well, so was unsure what I got. She received her M.D. If a person comes into contact with a stinging nettle, it can cause uncomfortable symptoms, including a rash and itchy, irritated skin. "I was pleased to know I wouldn't die from stinging nettle. Stinging nettle was traditionally used to treat high blood pressure . There was poison ivy there as well, so was unsure what I got. The season does not affect the stinginess. Chrubasik, J. Took several days to get better. As The rash resembles nettles." It contained lots of information and tips on how to treat nettle bites.