Whenever a person struggles with pride, he or she can overcome it by practicing humility. And then pray for humility. It is better to be humble with the … Pride and Humility, Vice and Virtue … If you go to the website Brainy Quotes and do a search on “pride” you are apt to find more quotes lauding pride than those that disdain it. All Rights Reserved. Virtue Sayings and Quotes. Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love. Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous old virtue quotes, virtue sayings, and virtue proverbs, collected over the years from a variety of sources. And the reason is because the Lord I follow commands me to love my enemies. However, if we look at what we accomplish and turn our gazes heavenward, thanking and praising Him, then God is very pleased with us.Muhammad Ali, one of the most famous boxers of all time, developed the catch phrase “I am the greatest!” A popular anecdote over the years had Whether or not this humorous exchange really took place, it does show how pride can blind us sometimes. When we think about pride, we’ve usually got someone else in mind. Discover and share Vice And Virtue Quotes. If you go to the website Brainy Quotes and do a search on “pride” you are apt to find more quotes lauding pride than those that disdain it. Heywood Broun. Because I and many of us here are Jesus freaks — we follow the Lord of life. I would like you to join me right now in praying for Madonna. A collection of quotes about virtue. In contrast to that, think the athlete who drops to his knees after a win, offering a prayer of thanks to God. Maybe the brave firefighters who run into a burning building when everyone else is running out?