He became king through conquering other sub-kings and making them loyal to him.

:)Clovis converted to Christianity for a number of reasons.

Clovis ruled the Frankish Kingdom which includes modern France, the Lowland Countries and Germany.

Clovis I (or Chlodovech, 466-511/513 CE), king of the Franks, is considered the founding father of the Merovingian Dynasty, which would continue for over 200 years.Clovis became king at the age of 15, and by the time of his death 30 years later, he had become the first king to rule over all the Frankish tribes, a firm ally of the Byzantine Empire, and a Christian king. Clovis also converted to Christianity in 496 AD. His wife was christian but it is believed that his true reasoning was to gain support of the area's he conquered. :)He converted to Catholic Christianity, as opposed to the Arian Christianity common among the Germanic peoples at the time, at the instigation of his wife, the Burgundian Clotilda, a Catholic. Why did king clovis converted to Christianity? Even if Anastasius had not intervened, however, it is unlikely Theodoric could have joined the battle against Clovis as he was married to Clovis's sister, Audofleda, in 492 CE; a marriage Theodoric himself had sought to bind his kingdom to that of Clovis' in alliance. He is eager to pass knowledge on to his students.

According to Gregory of Tours, his conversion came, in part, due to his marriage to the Burgundian princess Clotilde (daughter of Chilperic); her family was Arian, but she was not. Theodoric was in a difficult position, however, as he had sent one of his daughters in marriage to Alaric II. I think it took 2 or 3 generations before the nobles and people of the nation really understood and practiced Christianity for the right reasons though.What do you think of the answers?

Collins writes:Unlike the reign of Theodoric, there is very little strictly contemporary evidence for that of Clovis" and further notes that the evidence which is available "makes it virtually certain that Clovis was a Christian by around the year 486 CE. This ended, however, during a period of barbarian conquests throughout the region as the Norsemen came down into the mainland of Europe.My understanding is that his wife was a Christian and that he promised to her God that if he won in a certain battle, he would convert.

But he could not in any wise be brought until war broke out with the Alamani … The two armies were in battle and there was great slaughter. According to the historian Roger Collins, however, Gregory should not be completely trusted in his account. The Franks had been impressed by Christianity's association with Roman civilization, and they had no theology that rivaled that of the Christians. History would ultimately Latinize his name to Louis; a name that would live on in French royalty for centuries through 18 kings and remains popular in French culture to the present day.Ancient History Encyclopedia Foundation is a non-profit organization. This crusade would ultimately push the Visigoths back into Spain and provide greater security for the realm of the Franks.His conversion, administered by the bishop of Reims, would not only ensure the loyalty of the conquered provinces but also recognition by Anastasius, the emperor of the After his conversion, and with the support of his people and the church, Clovis continued his war with the Visigoths (a struggle he faced throughout his reign), eventually meeting them at the Battle of Vouille in 507 CE at near Poitiers, a city in west-central Gaul, where he defeated and killed their king, Alaric II.

What was the influence of the Franks on medieval europe?Why did king clovis convert to christianity? Because thats a big step, what provokes a ruler to convert?King clovis of the Franks, early middle ages. His [Clovis's] conversion to the Roman Catholic form of Christianity served to set him apart from the other Germanic kings of his time, such as those of the Visigoths and the Vandals, who had converted from pagan beliefs to Arian Christianity.

You can sign in to give your opinion on the answer. The queen unceasingly urged the king to acknowledge the true God, and forsake idols.

Also, what influence did the franks have on medieval europe? Clovis converted from paganism to Catholicism at the instigation of his wife, Clotilde, who was a Burgundian Catholic. Clovis’ army was near to utter destruction. 1 decade ago. Clovis also, expanded his dominion over almost all of the old Roman province of Gaul (roughly modern France).

He converted at the insistence of his Catholic wife Clotilde and was baptized on Christmas Day 496. The Ostrogothic king of Theodoric, like Alaric, was an Arian Christian, while Anastasius was a Nicean (or Trinitarian) Christian, as Clovis was. We do not have a firm date for Clovis' conversion to Christianity. When did Clovis convert to Christianity? According to some sources (primarily Gregory of Tours) his later victories over the Alemani (in 496 and 506 CE) influenced his decision to convert to Although raised a pagan (according to some historians, he would be the last of the pagan kings), Clovis realized that conversion to Christianity would be extremely beneficial to him if he ever hoped to secure the loyalty of all of the Frankish people. 6 Answers. The conversion of Clovis to catholic Christianity, the religion of the majority of his subjects, strengthened the bonds between his Roman subjects, led by their Catholic bishops, and their Germanic conquerors.With regards his influence in the rest of Europe, Clovis was the first King of the Franks to unite all the Frankish tribes under one king. Lv 4.

Answer Save. Because thats a big step, what provokes a ruler to convert?King clovis of the Franks, early middle ages. He previously resisted it strenuously, however, owing in large part to Clotilde's insistence on baptizing their children.

Why did king clovis convert to christianity?

Donald has taught Ancient, Medieval and U.S. History at Lincoln College (Normal, Illinois)and has always been and will always be a student of history, ever since learning about Alexander the Great.

Why did king clovis convert to christianity? King clovis of the Franks, early middle ages.

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