This weather station's average summer high temps are
In Benton, TN, 46% of people are neither employed or looking for work.Full-time employment is typically considered 35-40 hours per week. Aside from Camden, other major communities include agrarian communities Big Sandy and Holladay. The land area of Benton Town is 7854586 Square meters and water area is 0 Square meters. wind speeds 207-260 mph) tornado 25.0 miles away from the Benton town center killed 4 people and injured 8 people and caused between $50,000 and $500,000 in damages.
We have reviews of the best places to see in Benton. 8 reviews.
Common people that are not considered in the labor force are students, homemakers, retired workers, seasonal workers not currently looking for work, and institutionalized people.
Time zone in Benton Town is America/New_York. If a family's total income is less than a certain threshold, every person in the family is considered to be in poverty. Anything under 3 is considered affordable while higher values indicate that housing is not affordable.Monthly housing costs include rent and utilities. Nela's Tacos. Single householders living with siblings, their aging parents, or any other relatives would be included.The racial and ethnic diversity index measures the probability that any two people chose at random from Benton, TN are of different races or ethnicities where higher numbers represent more diversity. Home schoolers were instructed to select private school.
This weather station's average winter low temps are
The climate estimates use Benton, TN weather from 1971 to 2000 at the nearest official weather station Things to Do in Benton, Tennessee: See Tripadvisor's 1,485 traveler reviews and photos of Benton tourist attractions. Mexican, International, Soups, South American, Central American. This month, we're all about exploring what's good in our own backyard: America's Great Outdoors. In Benton, TN, 46% of the population ages 16+ are not employed, but are also not looking for work so they are not considered in the unemployment rate.
Free Wi-Fi access is provide din every room.Located off the Appalachian Highway, this Tennessee hotel is 2 miles from Cleveland town centre. Lower values indicate that household income is spread evenly across the income groups. The Total population in Benton Town is 1289 with 667 household units. The zip codes for Benton Town is 37307 and Area code is 423. See the People in the labor force include those in the armed forces as well as civilians who are employed or classified as unemployed.
Values between 15 and 20 indicate that extra judgment must be taken when making housing decisions.
13.0 mi from Benton. In other words, how many years would it take for the median income to pay off the median home price? Guests will enjoy an outdoor pool, continental breakfast, and fitness centre.The Clarion Inn hotel in Cleveland, Tennessee is ideally located off Interstate 75 in a suburban setting. Guestrooms are uniquely decorated with bright colours at the Applegate Inn.Holiday Inn Express & Suites - Cleveland Northwest Located near the Alabama, Georgia, and Tennessee state borders, this hotel is 4 miles from Museum Center at 5ive Points.
From Tripadvisor.
rent without additional utilities).Monthly housing costs include mortgage payments, real estate taxes, insurance, utilities, and condo fees. This hotel offers rooms with free Wi-Fi. Benton County is a county located in the U.S. state of Tennessee. Cleveland, TN. Cleveland, TN. Values over 20 indicate that it is likely more affordable to rent. As of the 2010 census, the population was 16,489. Benton Town Overview Benton is a Town in Polk County in TN State. When comparing to monthly rental costs, be careful to also look at the median number of bedrooms. In other words, women who work in Benton, TN generally make around 7670% of what men do. The threshold varies based on family size, composition, and age. To classify as unemployed, people must be actively looking for work. Benton town maps in Tennessee state The total Land area of Benton town is 7854586 square meters and Water area of Benton town is 0 square meters (to convert square meters to square kilometers, divide by 1,000,000; to convert square kilometers to square miles, divide by 2.58999; to convert square meters to square miles, divide by 2,589,988) It is known well in the area for its duck hunting and Offering outdoor pool and free continental breakfast, this Cleveland hotel is 2 km from Bradley Square Mall. Visit top-rated & must-see attractions.