I dont know what to do anymore. I often wonder what the purpose of life is.

My Whole Body Can Move. I do not believe that anyone here is trying to hit anyone over the head with a Bible, or to forcibly require anyone to adopt their particular faith.

In my own life, my faith saved my marriage. The cramping began in Maggie Barton’s toes during a tennis playoff match six summers ago.

If you cannot say this, or can't relate...why criticize those who have found something that really works for them.I suffer with depression. I never bought a broom and mop but today I've got to as I can't stand the site of this filthy kitchen floor any longer. People don't understand, they assume you are just lazy,.because they see you are not physically disabled, yet it is like a hidden disability,.that can be unlocked.Get the help you need from a therapist near you–a FREE service from Psychology Today. All I can do is scream God!!!! It freed me from an addiction and it lifted me out of paralyzing depression. I have other symptoms.

Do you know how many different religions there are? Like caring for homeless animals or humans. I do hope you feel better.Religion is a two-edged sword, if you will. It takes a lot of courage and strength to come forward.

One day I made the decision to either kick this or die trying, so I went to a therapist who determined mine was from trauma...so I went through dbt therapy and bought a workbook online and went through every word carefully and made myself a lanyard laminated card thing with my first aid counsel on these and this has helped me a great deal.....its always around my neck over my heart....as well having a therapist who has given me validation and let me talk through all these things that just kept coming session after session until one day I started making connections and feeling real again.....at first I felt like I really could just get up and move forward but didnt do it and then finally I beat the deep numbness and walked away from it and started doing what I needed to do physically....freedom at last....my brain needs new neuro-pathways built so I have to focus hard on every step I take...but Im also noticing this is becoming easier and easier all the time....like learning to play the piano....it has been so hard for me....all the praying and scripture reading in the world did not help me overcome this....but the interesting thing is that now Ive gotten through something major, now prayer is helping me and scripture reading is really helping me....before I tried thi sroute so very hard and so badly wanted this to work...but truth is it didnt....now I have come to believe that the Lord has been there the whole time, but he wanted me to talk about this to the right therapist so I could get healed enough go forward...right now I feel quiet inside and just a profound peace...feel strong and kind of proud of myself for having survived through and now overcoming every day...a little better than the day before...like a chemical addiction that was the only thing I could do at the time to survive....now I own myself again....believe me it took years and a lot of therapists and a hospitalization that made things much worse and not better....finally the right fit happened and I knew it was right when I first talked with her....please dont give up!! It often seems like anxiety has the ability to move your body involuntarily. alone.....but now....literally I had rooms in my beautiful home that were junked to ceiling and filthy and rat ridden, I tore apart every room in my house and started 50 projects at the same time and then ended up sitting for hours and a couple of times days straight...pissing on myself...and not caring...and now....I cleaned out that first room Lilliebell and stuck at it until it was finished and had to replace some floor boards and disinfect...the whole thing...but I did it and then I did another....and another....and now Im refacing my fireplace and am scheduling me time and I feel so happy so profoundly at peace and so happy...never ever felt happy before in my life and I didnt even know it....no medication to make this happen...its kind of like the woman who stretched out her arm to touch the Saviors robe after years of bleeding....she had to stretch far....and I had to stretch spiritually becasue there was nothing else left of me and my therapist knew I had nothing left to fight this with and she kept listening to me and validating my feelings and for the first time no therapist interrupted me and made me feel guilty for feelings I couldnt cope with and behaviors I just couldnt accomplish didnt have tools to cope with....no hard line behaviorism...but generous validation....DBT Therapy WorkBook and LDS Addiction recovery (Chapt 10 ARP is very much like DBT therapy)...and everyone there didnt care if I was LDS or not...they all prayed for me and we prayed together and that guidance brought me to my therapist and that therapist has brought me to a closer relationship to the Lord and she didnt mention HIM and how I should believe once....healing helped me to realize just how much I am loved by the Lord and that I have great worth and great value.....there is a way for each of us to feel better...I am completely convinced of this....my way may not be your way...it will be so worth it when you start healing...FYI one of my majors in College was Psychology and I had a lot of grad work also and did extremely well in a doctorate level assessment class...I had some of the great therapists in our Nation available to me and thousands of dollars worth of therapy adn I worked so hard every day on getting better....so it was not an issue of me not wantong to be healed, or no wantong to put forth effort to change me...it wa none of that....Im going to Heavenly Father tonight to ask Him to help you find what you need to get you unstuck....love to youI'm in pre-menopause, and this depressed person is not me.
Jack Hartmann Movin' 2 Math ℗ 2005 Jack Hartmann Released on: 2005-01-01 Auto-generated by YouTube. I definitely remember feeling most hopeless at 13, and there were other clues along the way much earlier, if I knew what to look for...I suffer from this syndrome more often than not. “People with this condition feel they just absolutely have to move their legs. My friends and famiy don't get it... my p-docs don't even get it.I wish I would have read this a long time ago.
I lost my strength when I had chemo in 2011 and never recovered it.

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