Having a good number of verified profiles as your followers is a good sign. A genuine Twitter account has followers with their account age diversified and in this case, it is with only 3.8% of his total followers added in the year 2019.The Followers Count of Twitter Followers tells us about the followers of your followers. Higher the like count sent by followers, the higher is their engagement rate. Copyright © Algodom Media LLP 2018-2019. Followers which have the maximum number of lists are more authentic than followers which have no lists. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Allow me to expand further. Bernie has 0.24% Verified accounts as his followers out of his total followers.If a URL is mentioned in the Bio of a Twitter profile, it is said to be a profile with URL.

Twitter is often used as a tool for communication and making major announcements. As per the list, the most popular follower of Bernie Sanders is Lady Gaga with 79.48 Million followers which is much higher than the 9.73 Million Bernie’s own followers.

All Rights Reserved. The future of our economy is at stake. You cannot view the updates from protected accounts unless you follow them. These may as well be dummy accounts but we cannot conclude this without understanding the other metrics as well.The Twitter account age of followers goes a long way in identifying fake followers list. Prior to his remarks Monday night, it was reported his speech would “My friends, I say to you, and to everyone who supported other candidates in this primary and to those who may have voted for Donald Trump in the last election: The future of our democracy is at stake. Learn more Likes count shows the number of likes sent out by your Twitter followers. As per the list, Lady Gaga is the follower in Bernie’s follower list with a total of 219.02K lists.As 2020 election approaches, the heat surrounding the social media campaigns of the candidates is at an all time high.We will keep monitoring and reporting all the major updates regarding upcoming elections.Do let us know in the comments if you wish to see a detailed analysis of a candidate of your choice.

The future of our planet is at stake,” Sanders will say, according to excerpts released ahead of the speech.“We must come together, defeat Donald Trump and elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as our next president and vice president. This means that Twitter has performed checks on that account and deemed it to be genuine. Vermont Senator and self-described socialist Bernie Sanders — who had offered to give Sanders, whose supporters protested the 2016 DNC over what they felt had been a rigged selection process to choose Hillary Clinton, has more recently been touted as a party unifier. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. My friends, the price of failure is just too great to imagine.”The Senator stayed largely on script, calling the current moment the nation is suffering through “unprecedented” and offering rhetoric that shifted the blame for the upheaval in many major American cities from the street authoritarians currently terrorizing residents in places like Portland, Seattle, and Austin onto Donald Trump and his administration.“In the midst of all this, we have a president not only incapable of addressing these crises, but [one] leading [America] down the path of authoritarianism,” the Senator said.Sanders, ticking off a list of familiar talking points Democrats use to condemn the Trump administration, noted his own supporters have moved the country in a “bold new direction” and that the “movement continues and is getting stronger every day.” In a 180 degree turn, he then likened Trump to an authoritarian who, like Nero watching Rome burn, prefers to play golf amidst the crisis.As for the platform Sanders believes Biden and his vice presidential pick Senator Kamala Harris will embrace, Sanders recycled old Democrat wish list items — universal health care, a $15 minimum wage — and also broke some new ground saying Biden would rebuild crumbling infrastructure, end private prisons, make it easier for workers to join unions, and move the country toward “100 percent clean electricity over the next 15 years.”Joe Biden Makes a Campaign Stop in Michigan and It Was Just as Bad as You ImaginedThe Data Clearly Shows That the Dem Panic Not the Pandemic Caused the Excess Death We’ve Suffered: Pt 1, the Official StatsBarack Obama Links Fires on West Coast to Climate Hoax — He Gets Shut DownWhoops: Schiff’s New ‘Whistleblower’ Has Some Serious Issues, According to Schiff HimselfDemocrats Filibuster COVID Relief Again and the Media Response Is Absolutely RidiculousCopyright RedState.com/Salem Media.

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