If I didn't have a planner, I would have never made it through high school. But at the start of freshman year, you should broaden your horizons to meet more people. In this free guide, we'll explain how to set up a solid foundation for the rest of your high school experience. High School Freshman Advice About Making a Smooth Transition You've probably heard all kinds of stories about the high school experience from parents, siblings, and older friends. Never turn down a chance to make a connection.Consider the following: If everybody thinks about themselves as much as you think about yourself, then they have little time to agonize over you or your outfit or your tweets or your romantic life. The lesson? For instance, if you’re hoping to become the editor of your school newspaper, consider the steps you need to take to get there, such as attending meetings, writing killer articles, and bonding with and learning from the current editor and the newspaper’s advisor. You should definitely attend social events you're interested in. You'll get a lot of homework in high school, but not so much you'll need two folders per class. How many folders do you need for your freshman year of high school?Nope! Don't skip the freshman orientation. It may sound like a lot, but once you get going, you'll likely fall into step soon enough. If you need help or if you see someone bullying someone else don't be afraid to tell a teacher.Keep a lot of pencils on hand. Live during your high school years so you have no regrets. Plus, if your papers are split between multiple folders per class, you won't know where to find them. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered.Make sure you're familiar with each teacher's policy on gum, water, and food in their class.As you find your way to class for the first week, pay attention to where you are going so you get to know your schedule faster and your transition will be smoother.Don't forget your planner! If you are still in middle school, you have plenty more time until you actually enter it. To create this article, 198 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. She lives in Brooklyn, New York and works as a freelance writer specializing in education.
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If your locker isn't clean, it's harder to get the stuff you need as quickly as possible, which as a result will make it harder to get to class on time.If you're wary of getting your things stolen (pricey phones, MP3 players, etc. Exactly! Always correct a test or essay when offered. Other articles by Laura You shouldn't do activities just because you think they'll help you get into college. Cut your homework in half, play on your iPod for a few minutes, and then go back to do your homework. You may have heard that your grades don’t matter this year, but that’s not really true. If you never attend any events, people won't think you're cool. Get a Planner. Only date someone you truly love and feel comfortable with. Try again! Part of HuffPost News. It's better to join one or two clubs that'll be best for you rather than stretch yourself thin by joining five or six. FACT: High school isn’t all about grades.Your fondest high school memories won’t be made in your room. Don’t be one of them. Enter your name and email below to download the guide.We'll send valuable information to help you strengthen your profile and get ready for college admissions.Discover schools, understand your chances, and get expert admissions guidance — for free. Talk during lunch. There are no do-overs. All rights reserved. Normally, a certain number of tardies equals an absence.Clean your locker often. Try out different clubs at your school. She dreams of having a dog. Print Remember that your GPA means a lot when it comes to college admissions. Read If you have choices in what courses to take, explore your options in this area as well. Chances are you'll be more focused and less stressed.You should rather have people respect you more because you are showing that you don't care what they think of you and that you know where you came from and no one can ever tell you otherwise.Don't carry too many books with you. Another example is the janitorial staff. An easy way to organize your school stuff is to have a different folder (and notebook) for every class.
But it doesn’t have to be this way.Over a semester, small actions pile up. Not necessarily! Their incredibly wise and thoughtful responses might surprise you.