If any of the unfolded edge does get cut, don’t glue or tape it back together. Unfold the triangle, and you have a square. Get in touch with us and we'll talk...Would you like to write for us? "The instructions are great! Get in touch with us and we'll talk...Our site includes quite a bit of content, so if you're having an issue finding what you're looking for, go on ahead and use that search feature there!Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Great fun." Thank you for such a wonderful video. It won't break and hurt anyone, and it is easily replaced if a child crushes it. It can be faster with more people, if you're working together on enough snowflakes to decorate a room. I made stars instead of more expensive decorations and had a good time doing it." "We used this in school to decorate our school Christmas tree but coloured both sides."
But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience.Snowflakes are delicate and beautiful, nature’s way of illustrating its work. If any of the unfolded edge does get cut, don’t glue or tape it back together. To create this article, 254 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time.
"Very helpful, we used this for decorating our Christmas tree ornaments!"
how to cut the folded paper. Go for at least 6 inches (15 cm) on each side for best results. This is the age of 3D with everything from movies to paper crafts becoming 3 dimensional. a couple of years ago. Any sort of paper, such as printer paper etc., of any color can do. Thank you for such a wonderful video. "I have a hard time with written text only. Once you’ve attached the final arm, your 3D paper snowflake is finished! Having a video to see each step was very helpful. "This article is really nice!! You can mix and match different paper colors, but stick to the same type (printer, construction, origami) to avoid lopsided snowflakes. Make three slits. How to Make a 3D Paper Snowflake To make a 3D paper snowflake, you’ll need 6 square pieces of paper that are all the same size, scissors, and clear tape. A clear spray-on lacquer or finish could work. "I have seen these used at the school where I teach, but they are the perfect ornament for a family with no money You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Can't wait to make these with my niece and To get started, fold one of the squares in half diagonally so it’s a triangle. Bring the 3 completely rolled pieces together from one end (use one hand’s fingertips to do this) and glue it properly with your other hand. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website.Sign up to receive the latest and greatest articles from our site automatically each week (give or take)...right to your inbox.We hope you enjoy this website. This Wrap the tape around tightly when joining the pieces together. You can also use tinfoil or glitter paper.If you want a more appealing look use glue dots, or glue sticks. It looked so complicated and hard to do. To get started, fold one of the squares in half diagonally so it’s a triangle. Having a video to see each step was very helpful. Step 2: Cutting. Move your fingers only after the tube is set.Now turn the diamond around again to face the other side.
year, I am alone and unemployed, so I desperately needed ways to make the holidays meaningful. "Very helpful.
year, I am alone and unemployed, so I desperately needed ways to make the holidays meaningful. Please help us continue to provide you with our trusted how-to guides and videos for free by whitelisting wikiHow on your ad blocker. Everyone loved them!" "Easy enough for a child to do. "Gave me a great idea of something I can do with my grandson while he's visiting. Yes, although the snowflake might not be as sturdy. Can I use papers of different colors without making it look strange? Fold each square diagonally from bottom right corner to top left corner to create … The information on how to do it is clear, good
and small children. One hour is a good estimate. "It is my mom's birthday in a few days, so this helped as a present for her." I'm looking for a holiday craft idea for my son's 5th grade class. And as you cut the folded edges, make sure that the lines are parallel to one another with the space between them as well.Now unfold the paper and turn it around so that the diamond-shaped side is facing you while you’re working with it. I hope you make more of these different designs of snowflakes. "
I will be using this in a class I teach for adults." Start with a square piece of paper. is easy enough that he will see results before he loses concentration." To make a 3D paper snowflake, you’ll need 6 square pieces of paper that are all the same size, scissors, and clear tape. You'll need six (or eight for a fuller snowflake) pieces of paper. Whether it's a school project, or you wish to decorate the house or a Christmas tree, making a 3D paper snowflakes is easy.
"Thanks to your detailed, easy-to-follow instructions, I was able to make a lot of these to decorate the work office wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. You can make the rather intricate looking rolled paper giant snowflakes or you can settle for the simpler ones involving making multiple regular 2D snowflakes and then attaching them together for a 3D effect. "I think the directions were great. Well, we're looking for good writers who want to spread the word. Yes, but it's easy to turn a rectangular sheet of paper into a square.
Stop … Thanks to your help, I got 100% on my snowflake project." I'm 85 years old and had no problem following them and making a prototype." Find these at arts/ crafts stores.It's best to use 6 pieces of paper instead of more. It helped me make cheap but beautiful Christmas decorations." This presents. Then, fold the triangle in half so you’re left with a smaller triangle. My snowflake turnedwikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together.