The short is lively fun and the riffing was at its best there. How could you forget “I am a Grimwald warrior!” :-DThis is one of those episodes where the movie, while bad, is still entertaining on it’s own. It certainly has little of the absurd charm that permeates some of the other Corman films that would be riffed (like “The Undead”). “So there’s fun to be had in this episode, just not as much as I would have liked.”This is a classic episode in my opinion. Perhaps it’s best known by people who grew up when Westerns dominated the airwaves.I’m not sure how incredibly hilarious I’d find this episode were I to discover it today.
Not an original one, of course – it’s just basically Invasion of the Body Snatchers, but with a far less credible menace (leaving aside the ridiculousness of an ambulatory pickle, the thing can only produce those little bat conversion thingies in small quantities. Some of my favorite lines from that:When I first saw this episode I was struck with how clever and literate the writing staff was, and that their college educations hadn’t gone to waste—when seeing a man in a crown and king’s robe, what did they come up with—the opening line from Shakespeare’s Richard III—“Now is the winter of our discontent, made glorious…”It Conquered the World is one of my favorites from Season 3. The short is very funny, and I was always surprised that it never turned up in their “Shorts” collections. The Big Red One is one of my fav films war or otherwise. Other than segment 2 which is brilliant, the hosts segs didn’t do much for me. Those nooses do look convincing.Wisconsin tourist trap reference: The House on the RockThe first host segment based on the short is fun. They should have used love. It isn’t until after Graves shoots his wife, that Miller’s voice actually sounds like it usually does with that thick New York accent.-A joke about Scientology? Now I have to watch it again. Episode guide: 311- It Conquered The World (with short: The Sport Parade–Snow Thrills) Posted by Sampo, on July 2nd, 2015 Short: (1945) A newsreel spanning the globe to bring you the constant variety of winter sports, (including “she-ing” and “she-horing.”)
That made the Brains’ scorn especially tasty.) It Conquered The World (with short: The Sport Parade–Snow Thrills) is a fantastic episode and just the kind of material that shows the writers at their best. So far, only “Daddy-O” and “Amazing Colossal Man” really light my fire. It’s pretty hard to see how it planned on conquering much more than a rural backwater, much less a city, state, or nation).Still, the interplay between Graves and van Cleef is pretty engaging, plus van Cleef is good as naïve idealist who honestly doesn’t realize he’s made a deal with the Devil).A good but not great episode in my book. Sam Fuller’s The Baron of Arizona is good and amazing history.The laugh Joel makes when we first see the pickle monster is infectious and very cute.When Peter Graves enters the living room towards the end and there’s a light on, did nobody else get a cold chill when they realized what they were seeing?Pretty good episode. I’m gonna make them eat it.”Crow: “I’ll just bury you for a little snack later.”Crow: “Oh, just get a pair of scissors and cut the sting!”Joel: “That’s a mighty big chicken, isn’t it, Corky?”[Graves finds dead female scientist on the ground, in her nightgown]Crow: “Woah! This means nothing.Glad to have the Samuel Fuller riff pointed out to me, don’t think I ever noticed it before. He hated Airplane (despite the put-on he gave in interviews, those close to him revealed that he really DID NOT like being in that film). Factory release.
There goes another pop star.”Joel “Paul never used to make deals with the devil at home.”Crow “Oh the Ming vase.” Tom “It’s okay it was old anyway.”Paul kills two scientists and a General. This one really deserves a commercial DVD release.Zontar is worth watching to then watch the SCTV parody of it. State park jokes abound. Dr. Forrester introduces the movie “as probably Roger Corman’s finest to date…and it’s really, really, really, quite bad.” The movie is preceeded by a short: Snow Thrills. If you’d like to hear the sad tale of how the most historic city in the state (after NYC, of course) fell into decay and poverty, the Wikipedia page is a good place to start:Zee hit it right on the head. Been watching them in order and this one just happened to be todays.